math [9]

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Oikawa sat next to you, head resting on your side of the desk.

It had become normal for him to spend his lunch time in your classroom.

Did it bother you?

Not as much as it would've a few weeks ago.

As crazy at sounds, thinking back, you now considered Oikawa something of the sorts of a friend.

Over time, you realized the boy was extremely clingy, funny— in a somewhat irritating way, and oddly caring. He always wanted to hang out together.

Sometimes it was to your benifit, you'd hang out with him, Aki, and Iwa— who now thought of you as a close friend.

Plus you enjoyed hanging out together.

Right now, you were scribbling away at some notes and homework while Aki was in the bathroom, and Oikawa moved her desk next to yours, resting his head somewhat on your side, as well as his arms— using them as a pillow, taking a nap.

You sighed, "damn it...."

Stupid math.

You felt like tearing at your hair because of the damn worksheet. You didn't suck at math, but hell, you just couldn't understand this specific unit.

Oikawa's head gave a small jolt as you slammed your pencil on the table, "hey, what's wrong?" He sat up.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you. It's nothing to be honest..." asking for help was slightly embarrassing, you thought.

"Oh c'mon, if you need help— I can help" he raised an eyebrow, reaching for the paper.

You frantically nodded your head no, making your way to slide the paper away. He noticed and quickly snatched it from your hold.

He cleared his throat, "okay..." he sat up, looking closely at the paper, "let's see....hmmmm.... Okay..." there was a long, quiet pause.

"You don't know shit either, huh" you called him out, he froze.

"NO WAIT– I know this, I swear I do, I just need time to remember!" He basically pleaded.

"Mhm.. okay" you just nodded along.

His little light bulb finally lit up, "okay! This is how... Iwa-chan taught me–" he grabbed your pencil off your desk and put the paper flat. "You just divide this... multiply that formula, put these numbers in and... tada!" He finished scribbling, grinning proudly.

You eyed him then looked over the paper,


"You're... right! This is right! Wait— how?!" You we're dumbfounded at the way Oikawa quickly solved it.

He grinned, "Iwa-chan explained it to me in an easier way– teachers always have to make things harder than they are." You listened, "would you... want me to show you how?" He hesitantly offered.

Your eyes lit up, "oh lord, please do" you gripped both of his shoulders, desperately shaking him while nodding your head yes.

He got goosebumps under your touch, "after practice sounds good?" He quickly regained himself.

You nodded your head yes as Akira waltzed back into the classroom, Oikawa made his way to leave.

"I'll see you after school!" He waved, wearing his cheery smile as some of the other girls said goodbye to him, Akira as well.

You just nodded an 'okay', Akira walked over to you, "we're going out after school?"

"No, Oikawa is gonna show me some math stuff later" you dismissed the question.


"You guys go, I've gotta go somewhere real quick!" He waved them off smiling.

Don't make her wait
Hurry Tōru

He speed walked through the halls, slowly increasing in speed with every step. He was so excited to see you.

"Hey" you smiled spotting him walking down the hall, he smiled back.

"Lets go!" You walked together in, mostly, peaceful silence, some comments and questions being thrown here and there.

You made it to the gym, he opened the door for you to go in first, you immediately spotted Iwaizume, who was talking to some first year.

"Y/n!" His face lit up, "what are you doing here?"

Oikawa stood at your side as Iwaizume approached the two of you, "oh, Oikawa is going to help me study a bit after practice." You explained.

Iwaizume scrunched his eyebrows in a sort of confused yet surprised manner.

Tōru wanted to laugh seeing Iwaizume being caught off guard hearing you were going to spend time with him and himself only. He though of it as a sort of bragging right to also be able to spend time with you.

"Want to join us?" You asked.

No no
Just you and me.
Say no.


"Oh sorry, I actually have to go straight home after practice today, my mom wants me to help her move some furniture around, sorry" he smiled apologetically.

You understood, "it's fine!"


You watched the rest of the practice on the benches, occasionally helping out when they asked.

The practice came and went, and soon you were off to your study sesh with Oikawa.

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