video [17]

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are you going to do it today aki-chan?

I don't know yet,

i think today would be a good day, it's friday after all

I'll try!

It was the next morning and Tōru was eager to have things unfold. To him it seemed like Akira was now hesitating, though he knew he could convince her do it all over again, but she was wanting to drag it on.

It took Akira a whole week for her to gut up and do what she promised. And throughout that whole week, you and Iwa went out here and there; really only Tuesday and Wednesday, less since he wanted to focus more on practicing and resting for the tournament, which was in two weeks. 

Tis was finally Friday morning and Tōru was getting impatient.


I'll do it today!


You would think Akira would find Tōru's eagerness odd, but really, she was the one eager to help him with whatever he wanted. She actually felt bad over the idea of Iwaizume having a crush on her when you did on him.

Actually– she wasnt surprised by it at all though, she knew she was prettier than you, so thinking about it got a chuckle out of her most of the time.

But you were her friend, and she liked Tōru, so she had to set things straight.

Lunch rolled around and as soon as the bell rang, Akira stood up and out of her seat, rushing out the classroom.

"I'll be back in a bit!" She announced, you, confused, just nodded in return.

Wonder what that's all about, you sighed, pulling out your lunchbox.

Almost five minutes passed without Akira returning. When another two minutes passed, Tōru, Matsu and Maki finally showed up. Iwaizume is missing, you noticed.

The three smiled at you, coming up to your desk. Oikawa spoke up, taking a seat next to you, "morning!" He grinned. 

"Good morning" you greeted back. The other two waved a hello.

You ate lunch together, making small talk. About a solid ten minutes later Akira returned. She seemed a little out of breath.

Tōru eyed her, she nodded, he nodded back before she stood next to you.

Lunch came to an end and not once did Iwaizume show up.

"Where's Iwa?" You tugged on Tōru's shirt as he stood up, getting ready to head back to his classroom. He quickly turned to look down at you, bitterly raising an eyebrow before replying.

"I'm not sure," he briefly responded. 


"See you later!" He grinned.

This is going to be perfect!

hi y/n!
do you mind meeting after practice is over today?

i'll be in the library
just let me know when to go over to the gym

i'll get u from the library, dw


Tōru was pretty excited to say the least, it was all falling into plan. He grinned looking through the schools Twitter expose page, the video of Iwaizume and Akira was the only thing left that he needed.

"Hey captain! Have you seen this?" One of Tōru's underclassmen called him over, Kindaichi.

There was a small huddle of the boys near the back of the gym, Oikawa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, jogging over to the group.

"Oh" he let out, looking up to send looks of utter shock directed to Matsu and Maki, the two looked equally dumbfounded.

It was the Twitter video of Akira and Iwa, the one Oikawa had been looking over earlier. It showed Iwaizume with has back against the wall in a small crook of the building, Akira was standing in front of him, hands on each side of his face. The two kissing is what it looked like from behind.

It was quite obvious Iwaizume was the one being smooched; he was taller than Akira, so his figure was in complete display. While you could only tell the other girl was Akira after the video cut to her walking away from him, facing the camera.

It was taken from afar, but the distance didn't hide the way Iwaizume's hands gripped Akira's hips.

"What's going on?" Hajime's oh-so distinctive voice let out, walking up behind Oikawa.

Everyone's eyes widened as the froze, the video still going on.

"What the hell?" He let out, seeing the phone screen. "Where'd you guys find that?!" He seems more confused than anyone, and slightly agitated.

"Iwaizume-Kun, I thought you were going out with that second year l/n? Isn't that her friend?" Kindaichi broke the silence.

"Woah woah, first of a–"

"Hajime!" Coach called out, everyone turned towards him, "over here" he motioned towards him. Iwa furrowed his eyebrows and jogged over to him.

"That's crazy"

"Never would have even thought Iwaizume-Kun would play two girls at the same."

"Especially not two friends."

Matsukawa, Hanamaki and Tōru all looked at each other, the other two so obviously flabbergasted, Tōru simply feigning it.

He finally spoke up, shutting up the underclassmen, "hey!" He spoke sternly, yet not too demanding, "we obviously don't know what all happened, so don't talk about Iwa-Chan, especially when he's not here to defend himself." He huffed, the others got quiet, "now go and warm up" he motioned them away.

They followed his orders, some still murmuring about the situation.

"This doesn't make sense" Matsukawa stood closer to Oikawa.

"Yeah, let's give him a chance to explain it thoroughly" Oikawa stated, the other two nodded in agreement.

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