his [20]

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"Oikawa-kun, I'm not used to this much attention from everyone" you mumbled out, completely flustered and embarrassed as you walked down the halls, hand in hand with Tōru as he constantly used his free hand to either push back your hair or just gently stroke your face.

His actions were so obvious– thanks to the height difference– since he was constantly looking down.

Everyone was staring, some even gasping while pointing and whispering afterwards. Most weren't dirty looks, just looks of utter shock.

"Don't worry about it Y/n-Chan, just act like they aren't even there" he smiled still focused on your face some reason as you walked next to each other. "It's good for everyone to see what's now mine."

"Yours? Don't say that out loud!" You widened your eyes, slightly freaking out, flustered.

"What? I'm just saying it as it is" he chuckled.

You made it to your custom to ignore people, but this was all just making it super difficult to. He walked you to your classroom seat, gave a forehead kiss and let out "I love you so so much" and then left.

You stood there completely flustered. And to make matters worse, you finally looked around the room, only to find everyone staring at you. The girls mostly wore scowls on their faces, while the guys just seemed surprised. You quickly sat down and put your headphones on.


She's finally mine! Mine, mine, mine!
This is great, I can't wait to see Iwa-Chan's face when he sees us!

Tōru gleamed as he walked down the hallways, getting a couple stares and hearing a couple whispers here and there.

He was used to all that, but this time it seemed more gossipy than complimentary, though he didn't mind.

He waltzed over to his classroom and sat down, peacefully looking out the window. The boy was basically over the moon, overjoyed.

Loud footsteps interupted his peace, "Ayo is that true Oikawa?"

He turned to look to his right, it was Matsukawa. "What?"

"Are you actually dating y/n?"

Tōru furrowed his eyebrows for a split second before kinda widnening them, then going back to normal. "Yes I am."

Matsukawa was heavily taken aback, literally– he stepped backwards.

"Wait, but I thought she and Iwaizume were like, talking?"

Tōru scowled, his face turning to a sour one. "They only talked because he was helping her with chemistry, nothing more."

"But Iwaizume would always tell us about her and what they would do and it was never actually studying?"

He knew what 'they' did; hung out and just talked most of the time. But there was some days were Tōru would have to leave before you and Iwa did, so he never knew where or what you guys were doing afterwards on those days.

"What would they do?" Oikawa's demeanor suddenly changed.

That only confused Matsukawa even more, he slowly nodded his head no.

"I actually don't remember right now." He felt as if it wasn't a good idea to say; nothing was making sense right now.

It was so obvious to everyone that Iwaizume was head over heals for you, you for him too, you both just kept it on the down low. But everyone knew.

So it stunned Matsukawa to suddenly hear that you and Oikawa were a thing, especially after the whole Iwa and Aki situation. He didn't get it.

Tōru just eyed him, "okay, whatever" he sighed.

"Well," Matsu looked around, "I'm gonna go. See you later" he nodded a goodbye, Tōru just waved.

What the hell is up with him?


"Y/n... y/n!" She called out your name, you just sighed and glanced at her, turning your head further towards the window, headphones already on. The lunch bell had rung, but you weren't feeling up to eating at the moment, at least not there in that classroom next to Akira.

The audacity.

You rolled your eyes.

Akira was making her way to stand up, she was gonna physically stand in your way in order to force a word out of you; you had been ignoring her all morning, she noticed.

Before she even took a step in your direction, Oikawa quickly waltzed into the classroom doors, stoping Akira in her tracks as she gawked at him.

He leaned down to reach you as you sat, pulled up your right headphone and playfully whispered out your name. "Y/n," he sang, "let's go."

Your eyes widened at the suddenness, his warm breath hitting your ears basically gave you goosebumps as he grinned, placing a kiss on the top of your head.

You quickly turned to look up at him, giving him a solid, purely instinctive, punch in the gut. "Sorry–!" You realized your body had moved without thinking, before going off on him. "Don't do that again, Oikawa-kun! You scared me!" You furrowed your eyebrows before a flustered look crept onto your face, you tried hiding it with a look of irritation as you weakly glared up at him.

He just smirked at you, amused by your differing reactions. He loved them all.

He let out a chuckle under his breath, "Grab your lunch, let's go." Akira stood there, dumbfounded as Oikawa motioned to the door with his head. You quickly reached into your bag and pulled out your lunch box.

Tōru reached out for your hand, you raised an eyebrow.

"I can walk myself"

He was slightly surprised, then let out a chuckle. "I'd like to be your guide."

You finally accepted his hand and stood up from your desk. You smiled at him as he did walk in front of you, not making it far before a voice pierced his bubble.

"Where are you guys going?" Akira stood in place like a literal sim, you couldn't tell whether she was confused or antsy.

"To eat lunch" you summed.

"Can I come too?" She fluttered her eyes, you scrunched your face in discomfort.


"Why don't you go eat lunch with Iwa-chan?" Oikaw didn't even attempt to hide the sass in his voice, you were surprised. He tugged on your arm and walked away at a faster speed, leaving the other second year dumbfounded.

"Maybe you should stop being friends with her." Tōru looked over at you, you gave him a a thin smile then looked down at your feet.

Should I?

"Yeah, if you think so"

friends | yandere tōru oikawaWhere stories live. Discover now