marks [34]

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As the days and weeks went on, Tōru kept up this little habit of his, the random impulsive acts.

During the school day he would just as suddenly approach you and touch in a secretive manner, though you always lightly scolded him for doing so. Outside of school he wouldn't hold back whatsoever.

You recalled a time when you were walking back from school, hand in hand.

"Y/n, are your parents home?" He lightly swung your intertwined hands back and forth.

"No, why?"

"Good" he speedily walked all the way to your house, almost running, you were dragged the whole walk there.

He anxiously, almost restlessly, fidgeted with his fingers as he waited for you to unlock your front door.

After walking in and locking the door behind the two of you, he immediately grabbed your arm and dragged you upstairs to your room, snatched your backpack off of you and basically shoved you onto your bed.

"Tōru—?" You were caught completely off guard; he had never behaved this boldly before. He seemed super worked up, but it was confusingly new to you.

Before you could let another word out of your mouth, he was already hovering over you, knee propped between your knees to support himself above you. He was planting sloppy kisses on the nape of your neck, you let out a small gasp.

He continued with his actions, eventually starting to suck on your neck. That was when you raised a hand to gently push him by the shoulder. "Tōru you can't leave a mark, don't—"

He used his left hand to grasp your wrist, pushing your arm back down rather harshly. There he kept it, gripping your wrist.

"Tōru I said don't, I don't know how to cover those up" you protested, he finally looked up to be at eye level with you.

"Be quiet, won't you?" He asked in a tone that gave you a mix of messages. He sounded slightly irritated? but also gentle? sincere? yet demanding, you couldn't tell which.

"Okay, but I said don't leave me any marks, please. My parents will be home later and I won't have anything to cover them with" you explained.

He just gazed at you, slowly squeezing your wrist tighter, you winced at the feeling.

"Do you know how much I need you every day, y/n? I feel crazy when I'm not with you." He announced, moving up his other leg onto the bed, you moved your legs close together, giving him the chance to finally, completely, hover over you, either legs on each side of you.

He sat down on top of you, his weight felt heavy on top. "I go crazy any time I see you too," he mumbled, tracing your collar bone with his free thumb, lightly pressing on it.

You chuckled, a little awkwardly, "where's this coming from?"

You saw as he leaned down on top of you, close to the nape of your neck. You could feel his warm breath, giving you instant goosebumps as he spoke. "I need you y/n, did you know that?" He leaned down, harshly kissing at your neck.

A gasp hitched in your throat as you felt him roughly biting down on your neck, you let out a shaky breathe as he continued to lick the spot he had bit.

That whole time, he hadn't once let go of your wrist which was now starting to ache more, trying to shake off his grip did you no good as he just squeezed it tighter.

You gave in, using your free hand to brush through his hair, he smiled at the contact, you felt.


Afterwards Tōru sat awfully quiet at your desk, gazing at you as you sat crisscross on your bed. It'd been about an hour since you had come home from school, he sat there, admiring you as you started messing with your phone.

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