house [10]

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"This is fun right? Hanging out alone means you're becoming more comfortable with me" Tōru giggled, almost skipping, next to you.

You were walking down the sidewalk, it was already dark out and there was a slight breeze in the air.

"I guess," you let out a small chuckle, "where are we heading, anyways?"

He said he'd show you how to do the math after school but he didn't specify where he was going to show you.

"My house— if that's okay with you."

You stayed quiet a bit.

Oh no
She doesn't like that.

"Or no–"

"Do you live far?" You asked, shivering, "it's getting cold."

"No, about five more minutes and we'll be there" he grinned, taking off his volleyball jacket, you shook your hands 'no' in front of him.

"Sounds good– no, I'm fine, keep i–"

"I was going to take it off either way, I'm hot from practice, I need to cool off." He counter argued, still trying to hand it over to you. "Plus it'll look cute on you."

Bros trying to flirt.
Maybe it's not a good idea to go to his house then.

You muttered out a 'thanks' and took off your backpack, which he grabbed for you while you hesitantly put the jacket on.

"Are you sure there aren't any cafes nearby or–"

"I'm just messing with you." You turned to look at him, he gave a timid smile, "I'm not that much of a douche like people say I am."

I'm so stupid.

"Sorry," you kinda lowered your head in shame.

"Don't worry!" He enthusiastically patted your head, "I get it. Rumors get spread. But I want to be close friends with you, so please allow me to contradict those rumors by showing you the real me" he smiled.

"Okay" you let out, looking up him, his smile grew.

"Make yourself at home!" He grinned, opening the door for you.

You waltzed in, it was a average cozy home. He closed the door behind him and guided you to his room and set his bag down next to his bed.

"My parents aren't home– I hope you don't mind" he confessed with a small smiled.

You shrugged, "it's fine,"

"Okay! You can sit anywhere, I'll go get some snacks!" He announced before rushing downstairs without letting you get out a word. You were gonna decline the offer, not wanting to bother, but he had already left and you honestly weren't going to yell after him.

He returned with two water bottles, two sodas, and different candy bags and chips.

"Take as you wish!" He grinned, you smiled back as a 'thank you' and sat on the floor where he had a small table near his computer. "Sorry my rooms not all that, I don't have many other interest besides volleyball. Pretty lame, huh" he chuckled, scratching his neck.

You scrunched up your face in confusion, eyeing him. "I don't think it's lame" his eyes slightly widened, "I mean– it's one of your main hobbies and because of that, you're really good at it. I think that's pretty cool" you shrugged, smiling.

His face lit up. "Really? I mean– thanks!" It was quiet for a second, he stared you in the eyes and you suddenly got nervous. You quickly looked away at some little framed photo on a mini shelf he had by the door.

It was a photo of him and Iwaizume, middle school, third year. It looked like some awards ceremony, "that's a nice photo" you let out, his gaze was still on you, you noticed.

"Yeah," Oikawa didn't even look up to see which one you were referring to, he was just gazing at you, examining all your little details.

There was some tension as you awkwardly shuffled your feet back and forth.

Maybe I should've protested about his house a little mor–

"Shall we start?" He suddenly, enthusiastically, let out. You jumped a little, startled.

"Mhm" you nodded a yes.

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