séance [8]

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What the hell

You turned to look around your room.


You sat at your desk, finishing up some late work, the lights were dimmed in your room; only the lamp on your desk illuminated the room just enough for it to be visible.

Your room was empty but you didn't feel alone. It's been a couple days since you've been feeling the presence of something else.

Maybe there's a ghost in my room, you joked, trying to calm your uneasiness.

Whatever you got up and stretched your arms a bit. Looking out the window which your desk sat in front of.

It was already pretty dark outside, the streetlight illuminated the small trees across the street. There was a small playground in front of your house.

It looked kinda creepy at night, but when the moon hit right, it looked peaceful.

You sat back down and forced yourself to finish the chemistry homework and notes, sighing.

She's so focused.

Oikawa pondered as he gazed up at your window, you were scribbling away at something.

He let loose a small smile as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

He mentally jotted it all down, your every expression. He liked to turn it into a sort of guessing game for himself, 'what emotion comes with this expression?'

He'd been doing this for several days now; coming straight to the small playground in front of your house right after practices and just staring, admiring.

He knew it was wrong– well, not wrong but not right; watching you without your knowledge. But it didn't seem like you cared, you were going on about your evening.

He knew it was wrong but the feeling of excitement that coursed through him every time he gleefully skipped over to your house convinced him otherwise.

He knew it was wrong but the joy he received from your different facial expressions told him otherwise.

He knew it was wrong but the thrill that coursed through his veins every time he moved just a little closer to your house told him otherwise.

He took pleasure in watching you without your knowledge, he wasn't sure why, but it sure did make him ecstatic.

The feelings he got out of watching you won over the simple knowledge that watching someone without their knowledge was weird.

Deep down he knew it was kinda pervy, but he didn't want to think about it in that way, so it wasn't really perverted of him to be doing this or feeling that way.

Instead it was just another way for him to get to know you better, and to better read your body language and facial expressions.

Plus, you never mentioned it at school, so he simply guessed you didn't even know about it at all.

"I think there's a ghost in my house," you stated. He laughed harder than he should have.

She's so oblivious.

"A ghost?" Oikawa controlled his laughter.

"It's not funny!" You retorted, "I feel like I'm being watched in my own room," he tensed up a bit.

There was a pause as you waited for his opinion.

"Maybe you're just schizo"

"Boy– why would I even ask you for your thoughts on the situation" you rolled your eyes.

"Wait– I'm joking! I'm joking," he chuckled, placing a hand on your shoulder. He got goosebumps the second your warmth blended with his colder hand. "What do you want to do about it?"

He became ecstatic seeing as you allowed his hand to rest on your shoulder. "Well," you pondered, "I'm not sur–"

"How about a séance!" Akira butted in out of nowhere.

Go the fuck away, stupid bitch.

"A séance? What's that?" Oikawa furrowed his eyebrows.

You and Akira gave him the most dumbfounded looks possible. "Really?" You questioned.


"Speaking to spirits," Akira grinned, "it'll be interesting, just say yes"

Oikawa crossed his arms, "sounds dumb."

"Could be fun though." You shrugged, Akira nodded her head yes.

"Well," Oikawa sighed, "fine– but invite Iwa-chan too!"


"Guys I don't wanna do this anymore."

"Why? You scared?" Oikawa smirked, teasing you.

"No, dipshit. This is pointless" you huffed, furrowing your eyebrows at him, Iwaizume laughed at your name calling.

"If y/n doesn't want to do this an–"

"Shh, shh, shh guys, we have to be quiet for this to work, Akira reached for something in her bag.

She popped out a fucking Ouija board,

"Oh HELL no, put that away Aki." You shook your head no, the guys just stared at the board, surprised.

"Where'd you even get that?" Oikawa asked.

"That's not important, and why not y/n?!" She whined.

"Do your stupid séance without that thing" you set your rules.

She eyed at you, you eyed her back. She gave in and sighed, "okay fine" she shoved it back in her backpack.

You would have wanted something cool to have happened, but not really; you were hoping absolutely nothing occurred or else you'd be mortified to go to sleep tonight, but nothing happened.

About thirty minutes went by and everyone was pretty bored, "oh c'mon! Nothings going on– you don't feel anything weird y/n? Like someone here with us?" She was persistent.

"No, nothing." You shrugged, she groaned,

"Man! This sucks!"

Oikawa giggled, "how about we give it up, Akira, you lied. This wasn't fun!" He sassed.

Akira's face got pink, "I thought something was gonna happen" she sounded exasperated.

"Let's just go downstairs" you suggested, they agreed.

When should I let her know I'm the admiring ghost? Oikawa giggled to himself.

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