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She's so beautiful.

Tōru had his eyes glued to the screen, admiring every little detail, examining your every move.

He watched through the cameras he had set place in your bedroom.

You were casually sitting at your desk, scribbling away in your notebook, small snack in your hand. It was a late school night, you wore an oversized t-shirt and some comfy pj pants as you were soon to go to bed, hair up in a clip.

Tōru found out you had a routine of writing in some journal every night, he saw you doing it every night. He was so curious as to what you were writing.

He chuckled aloud as you scrunched your face in confusion and vigorously scribbled something out.

Not long after, you closed the notebook, put your pen away, and walked out of camera view into your bathroom. Tōru switched to camera 3, the camera hidden between your posters, which pointed directly to the bathroom door. He saw you close the door and waited for you to step out.

Camera two was hidden in your window, which was a closer shot to you while you sat at your desk, but he perfefered to use it when you were laying in bed. Camera 1 was on your bookshelf so it gave a bit of an overview to your whole room, but directed more at your desk, since he knew you spent the most time there.

"Ooh!" He let out as you finally exited the bathroom, rubbing your eyes with a yawn. You walked to turn off your bedroom light, desk lamp, and hopped into bed.

The room was silent, Tōru sat there, still watching. He sometimes enjoyed watching you sleep, he thought it was cute.

Tōru was becoming sleep deprived. He would rather spend his sleep time watching you having your sleep time.

But he didn't mind, it was adorable.

At the moment, things were smoothly running. It had been a couple days since he last promised you he would speak to Akira and Iwaizume. And so far, there was no sign of you contacting them yourself, or you inviting them over; which was the supposed use for the cameras.

Though, to be completely honest, Tōru was just eager to see you at all times. He told himself the use of the cameras was to make sure you weren't reaching out to the others, but truthfully, whenever you happened to be stripping to change into new clothes, Tōru was never in any rush to look away nor turn off his computer screen.

He ached to see you the way he saw you through the camera, but in person. He thought you were beautiful, every bit of you. But he didn't want to rush anything that would be of importance in your relationship. He wanted it to be special.

It was nearing three in the morning, Tōru figured he should finally go to sleep. He would have about four hours of sleep, so he should get to it, he figured.

He yawned, turned off his computer, and allowed himself to drift off to sleep.

"Good morning, my love." Oikawa grinned, hugging you as you made it to the road intersection.

"Good morning, Tōru" you smiled into the hug. He let go of you and together made your way to the school.


"So," you paused, "any updates?"

He looked up at you, mouthful of rice, questioning look on his face.

"Updates on Iwa and Aki" you quickly added.

He let out an 'oh', and quickly finished swallowing his food.

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