feel better [27]

909 33 0

tw: manipulation into consent (?) 🔻

It was one hell of a game.

You knew Shiratorizawa Academy had a solid team, their ace radiated ace energy, and the whole team was very well connected.

But that was the thing; It was the same with Aoba Johsai.

Everyone was well connected and Iwaizume radiated ace energy as well. But for some gosh awful reason, they just didn't radiate it on the same level.

There was only two sets in this game, both won by Shiratorizawa.

Set one: 20 : 24
Set two: 23 : 25

Both close calls.

Everyone either looked extremely discouraged and upset, or super angry and frustrated as they walked off the court. And you completely understood why they were feeling that way.


After the coach gave them all a small post-game talk, they were free to pack their bags and rest a little before boarding the bus.

You saw as Oikawa forced himself to sound a bit more energetic than he was actually feeling as he gave his 'captain-talk' to the team. You just stood to the side, letting them do their thing.

Oh fuck–
I forgot some water bottles in the gym.
Damn it.

You physically sighed.

"Where are you going?" Tōru quietly questioned as you were making your way to leave. You turned to him.

"I forgot some water bottles in the gym, I thought I could go get them before the other games start" you motioned to the group of waters on the floor; they were three short, Tōru counted.

"Can I come with?" He timidly smiled, you nodded a yes.

The walk to the gymnasium went by quickly, with little to no small talk; Tōru still seemed a bit upset.

Thankfully, no games were in progress when you made it to. You spotted the three bottles near the foot of the bench and quickly speed walked over to it.

"All good?" Tōru glanced down at you with a small smile.

"Yup" you smiled back.

"Let me help–" he reached over to grab the bottles as you walked, you pulled them away from his reach.

"No, I got it–

"Give 'em to me" he tugged on them, you gripped them, laughing.

He laughed too, "let me hel–"


You both halted to a stop, looking up ahead; it was Shiratorizawa's captain.

Oh what the hell

The tension was suddenly thick in the halls. Tōru was frozen, you looked up at him; he had such a bitter look on his face, it was kinda scary.

"What do you want Ushijima" he spat.

Ushijima had such a bland look on his face, you would describe him as looking bored.

He spoke up again, "you lost,"

"Yeah, well no shi—

"Again." He added, Tōru let go of the water bottle and handed it to you, clenching his fists.

"If that's all you're here to say then screw off" he looked so pissed.

"You should've come to Shiratorizawa" Ushijima stated, Tōru let out a 'tsk', rolling his eyes. "Had you gone to Shiratorizawa, you could've better spent your time practicing rather than wasting your time on some girl."

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