||~Keith & Shiro POV~||

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Keith pov

Ugh, running. My least favorite activity. For a little context I am right now running through the Galra ships, there were many guards following me and I was getting tired. I was here on a Blade mission when it went wrong and I am now fleeing for my life, I had also heard from Kolivan that the Paladins of Voltron plus their Princess where being held captive on this ship; that was my mission, get them the hell out of here so they can do their job. I had memorized the layout of the ship during my short stay and am now running in the direction of the special cells, where they hold prisoners not to be touched, abused, experimented, torchered but to be placed in the arena. Making it to the cells I still had a little strength and fought off the guards that were somehow still following after me, I was fast for my height and that I'm a half-breed. I was also very flexible before I was taken in by the blade my Dad made me do Gymnastics so I can get out of sticky situations, like this one.

It had been about a good 15 mins till I had all of the guards in a cell each, out cold. I still had my Blade mask up and my form was still Galra so I turned to the Paladins cell, they were all staring at me wide eyed, the Princess full of hate and anger. But for some reason the blue, yellow and green Paladins, curiosity. I opened their cell and motioned for them to follow me with my other hand to my face in the shushing motion. The Black Paladin nodded and looked back at the other before turning back to me as I started to the exit. I cautiously looked out into the corridor and then looked back at the others behind me, they weren't too far but they definitely weren't making it out of here at this speed, I took a quick closer look and saw that they were all trying to help the Green one walk, I took a glance down at their ankle and saw they were bleeding, heavily but not heavy enough to warrant death or blood loss. Sighing I turned to the others walking to them, I deactivated my mask and quickly introduced 'myself' "My name is Akira He/Him and I will help you off this ship, your Lions are in the hanger and being delivered to Zarkon for him to so called, rebond. But we are not getting out of here at this speed so, let me help you here." I held my arms out to the Green Paladin, they stumbled out of the others grip and into my own, I scooped them up bridal style and whispered to them "If guards come after us, I need you to move to my back so I can get you out of there easier, I won't let them shoot you, promise." They seemed to trust me and they relaxed in my arms and rested their head on my shoulder. I reactivated my mask and nodded my head in the direction of the door telling them to follow.

Long story short here, strangely no guards were around, we went to the weaponry holder where their armor and weapons were. I helped the Green Paladin with their armor and grabbed their weapon, handing it to them, scanning the halls. I switched the Paladin onto my back and started towards the hanger. There their Lions were waiting for them. I told them that once they were in their Lions that there was a red Lion in the hanger above them, and to go get it. They did. And here I am now, in the castles holding cells.

Shiro pov

We were fighting the Galra; Shocker right; when there was a purple beam on each of us and were dragged in, Galran soldiers filed into our Lions knocking us out and that was the last thing we remember.

Waking up in a cell, isn't the nicest thing let me tell you, We had been in that cell from what I can tell maybe a few quintants(Days). The most exciting thing that happened; and it wasn't the good kind; was Pidge getting into an argument with one of the guards and then breaking her ankle. A couple Doboshes(Minutes) later and a Galra in a dark purple armor and glowing lavender symbol on their chest came stumbling in with many guards following, their movements showed they were tired, 15 Doboshes later and all the guards that were previously chasing the smaller Galra were all in their own cell. The Galra spun around to us in our cell and opened it to us all wide eyed and knowing Allura, fuming. They looked over to the door before motioning to us to follow with one hand and the other in a shushing motion near their mask. They shuffled over to the door in complete stealth before looking back at us and glancing down towards Pidges ankle. They seemed to have understood what we all were hanging back for, we ALL were too tired to carry Pidge, we hadn't eaten our whole time here. They began to walk over to us we all covered Pidge with our bodies in defense, as they got closer they brought a hand up to their mask and after a moment it disappeared along with their hood, standing in front of us was a lavender furred, Purple and dull yellow eyed Galra with very dark Purple hair that was styled similar to a mullet. They put their hand on their chest and spoke, "My name is Akira, He/Him and I will help you off this ship, your Lions are in the hanger and being delivered to Zarkon for him to so called, rebond. But we are not getting out of here at this speed so, let me help you here." Once he; as we now learned; had finished he reached his arms out to Pidge, not making any advance on them, Pidge wiggled out of all of our reach and limped over to Akira, Akira met them half way and scooped them up into his arms bridal style whispering to them and then looking up at us and beckoning us to follow, we did. He was a fast Galra might I say, we were struggling to keep up but then he came to an abrupt stop and pointed to the door he was in front of. He opened the door, we peeked in just in case he were to throw Pidge in and lock us all in. Inside was all our armor and Bayards. Akira helped Pidge into their armor, we all still had our under suits on so nothing to be suspicious of and then he handed Pidge their Bayard. Crouching down Akira waited for Pidge to hop onto his back before he continued down the hall.

Next thing we know we are in the hanger with all our Lions looking at us purring with happiness, Akira placed Pidge in her Lion before walking back out to the rest of us, "In the hanger above us right now is the Red Lion, get it out of here. I have to return home, so, catch you all around I guess?" Before Akira could turn around Allura and hit him on the back of the head, he fell unconscious, "ALLURA!" Lance says in a hushed yell, I spoke next "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!? HE WAS ONLY TRYING TO HELP US!" She turned to Lance and I with pure hatred in her eyes, "He is Galra, he's coming with us. Lance, take him with you, Hunk, let's go." Hunk looked over to us in worry and then ran after Allura into his Lion, Lance picked Akira up and helped him with the bridal style as Akira did Pidge, "Let's go..." He says pity in his voice for the small Galra in his arms and begins his tred to his Lion. We grabbed the Red Lion and then got the hell out of there before the Galra ship could chase us. Lance, Pidge, Hunk and I wanted to just put him in a locked guest room but Allura forced us to put him in a holding cell, even though Coran didn't agree with her after the others had explained to him. Coran stayed outside his cell for when he woke up to be able to get him whatever he needed, everyone else other than Allura had spotted the knife on his hip but we all let him keep it, he didn't advance on us on the ship so we hoped he would be here.


First chapter done I suppose, hopefully there will be two POV's each chapter to make the chapters longer if not then that means that the POV in the chapter was longer. Tata for now~!

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