||~lance & Pidge POV~||

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Lance pov

We were all sitting in the lounge room waiting for Akira to wake up when Coran walked into the room. "He's awake." Allura was the first to stand followed by storming out of the room to the Galra's cell. She reached the room and screamed at the top of lungs, "TELL US ALL THE SECRETS OF THE GALRA EMPIRE OR YOU WILL PERISH!" Her voice was full of venom where if she were a snake poison would have spat out with her sentence. Akira didn't flinch at all but instead straightened his sitting posture, "Princess Allura, I will not tell YOU the secrets to tearing down the empire for you with that attitude do not deserve it, your Paladins and your advisor on the other hand have full rights to know. Might I also add that I pulled your sorry ass out of the cell and brought you back home to where you are safe, because at the rate you are going you would not last a second in the arena the champion would have killed you with his pinky." Alluras mouth opened and closed like a puffer fish, kinda funny if you ask me. "HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME! I AM PRINCESS ALLURA OF ALTEA AND YOU WILL TREAT ME AS SUCH!" Akira rolled his eyes, "I will treat you as royalty when you treat me as a normal Alien or as you Paladins call it, a friend." Allura scoffed and spun on her heel, heading, no marching for the door, but not before she spat out, "The day I treat you as a friend is the day Haggar is an Altean."

We had to ask Akira a few light questions before he said something that kinda stunned us all for a little while. "Since you all have been nice to me and you are the Paladins. I should probably tell who I am." We all shared a glance before we turned back to Akira before he spoke up again. "My name is not Akira because it is actually Keith, I am a half breed as my team calls it and half & half freak as the empire calls it. I didn't lie about my gender and I work for the secret team we call, 'The Blade Of Marmora'. It's a bunch of rebel Galran's fighting from the inside." Well personally my jaw was on the floor. Hunk was trying to stay standing, Pidge just looked as though they wanted to study Akir- Keith. And Shiro, I can't quite pinpoint what he's portraying on his face but it looks a lot like recognition. "You- you're the Galra that helped me escape..." Shiro said, pointing to Aki- KEITH. He smiled, "Nice to know you remember me Shiro. Good to know my efforts weren't forgotten too deeply." His smile was soft like one where if you stared at it too long you would be under manipulation. "Let him out of the cell, he's kind." Without hesitation Coran opened up the cell doors and Keith still stayed in the same position before he was tackled by Pidge, "What is your other half! Please tell me, I really wanna know! Please, please!" Keith laughed, "You are just like your Brother." Pidge looked up to him with stars in her eyes, "You know my Brother..!" Keith nodded, "How else do you think I knew where you five were? Matt or I call him to annoy him, Mattypatty, had hacked into the camera's of the ship you all were on and directed me to you all till he got me cornered by guards that is." Pidge looked as though they were close to crying, Keith wrapped his arms around her and hoisted them up, their legs wrapped around his hips and their arms flung around their neck. "Shhhh, he's alright, he's at the Blade base. Him and I share a dorm..." Pidge buried their face into Keith's shoulder, balling their eyes out. Keith rocked from side to side with them in his arms shushing her to sleep. "You can ask me questions when you wake up little Holt." Long story short we took Keith to a spare bedroom away from Allura, we chose to leave Pidge with him after they clung to him for dear life, as though if they were to let him go they would lose another brother. We all just had a big 'sleepover' in the spare room.

Pidge pov

Waking up I felt warm and safe, comfortable. Unlike I have been for the past couple of weeks being a Paladin, opening my eyes I see I am Koala hugging a awake Keith..? Was it? He was watching over everyone, his eyes glowing a faint faint yellow. Hunk and Lance were both curled up at the edge of the bed together with a light blue blanket thrown over them and cushions underneath them. Shiro was further away from the bed but not too far, he had a black blanket draped over him and also pillows supporting him. Keith must have noticed I was awake because he turned to me with a small smile on his face, "Good Morning Pidge, how are you feeling?" He asked me, my heart warmed at that, the only person other than my family that would ask me that would be Lance and he has been too busy lately too, it gave me a sense of familiarity, "Morning Keith... I feel much better, thanks." He smiled brighter at me again before saying, "I know your little secret Pidgeon, can't hide it from me, I suggest telling your team sometime soon." My eyes widened and I quietly gasped, "Ho-how?" He softly giggled, "Matt and I have been watching you a lot, he told me that you aren't what you portray, so I just kinda pieced it together y'know?" I nodded then laid my head back on his shoulder, "Wake me up when the others do.." I mumbled back into sleep, before I went back to oblivion Keith said something along the lines of, "Don't worry, no harm will come to any of you whilst I am here..." I smiled in my half sleep state and drifted off again.

I woke up once more to a gentle shake of my shoulder, I opened my eyes once again to the team smiling at me and Keith with his hand on my shoulder, "Morning Pigeon!" Lance said, way too loud for someone who just woke up. "Morning..." I shuffled out of the warmth that came off of Keith and stood, he stood after I did standing next to me, "Hey how come it is so warm in here?" Hunk says I had just noticed the sweat beads on his face. Keith giggled softly, "Galra can produce body heat and since I was keeping you all warm ALL night the castle adjusted to the heat in the one room, it will cool down though." Hunk nodded and for once in this castle we weren't shaking from the cold. "That's really cool, is that why wherever Galra's are the place is always warm?" Shiro said. Keith nodded, "Yep, sometimes we do it unconsciously and other times we do it to keep one's body heat up, I noticed you all were shaking so I just upped the temp a little." He gave us all a sweet smile before heading to the door, "Is it okay if I call my team, let them know I'm alive as well as Matt so he can see his sibling?" We all shared a look and nodded. Shiro was the one to answer him "We'll come with you so Allura doesn't get suspicious." He nodded and reached for his Knife on his belt and walked over to Lance, handing him the weapon, "Take this, then you know I can't make any advance on you all and Allura can't somehow chop my head off." Lance nodded and tucked the knife away. "Let go!" Hunk exclaims bouncing up and down. And so we started our journey to the bridge.

"Greetings young ones!" We had just walked into the room and were greeted by Coran who seemed very energetic today. "My you all look warmer than usual and are very close to our 'prisoner'." Coran points out as he leans forwards to us all. Keith chuckled, "Hello Coran, is it okay if I use the communicator to contact my team? There is also someone there, a little Pigeon I think would like to meet." He says as he ruffles Pidge's hair. Pidge tucked themselves into his side and relaxed. Coran twirled his mustache and then placed his hands on his hips, "WHY OF COURSE YOU CAN NUMBER 4!" Keith tilted his head to the side "Number 4..?" Coran answered him, "I have everyone ranked in height!" Keith looked as though he took slight offense to that but brushed it off. He walked up to the communicator and pulled a chip out of his pocket plugging it in, the screen turned purple and then a figure appeared on the screen. "KEITH! Oh thank the Galran stars you're okay!" Keith placed one hand on his hips and plastered a smirk on his face, "Feeling energetic today are we Kolivan?" He paused and then spoke again "Anyway, I'm with Voltron right now and we have someone's sibling on board here. Would you mind sending Matt to these coordinates? I'll meet him there." We all shared a look that said 'How the hell will he meet Matt at a location?' The Galra on the screen nodded, "Affirmative Keith Akira, he will be sent right away. We have also possibly located a new prisoner planet we need you and a select few to investigate when you return." Keith nodded and then spoke "Thanks Kolivan, I'll set out for the planet as soon as I can return, tell Matt don't panic, nothing on that planet will kill him." Kolivan, as the Galra on the screen is named, had a slight smile on his face, "Will do, son. I'll tell That you survived, he was worried. Goodbye for now Akira.'' The communicator shut off and Keith pulled the chip out and put it back in his pocket. "SON!?" Hunk shouted out, Keith stifled a laugh, "No biologically, funny to say I was taken from my home planet and then raised by him and his partner, long story actually but that's for another time. Pidge, wanna go get your Brother?" Pidge smiled so bright and bounded over to Keith, "YES YES YES YES, LET'S GO LET'S GO LET'S GO!" Keith laughed and she grabbed him by the wrist dragging him to the green before Keith and Pidge were out the door Keith shouted out to us, "WE'LL BE ON CHANNEL 3 CONNECT TO IT!" Then they were gone.


Chapter 2, yay. Already dying inside

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