||~Shiro & Hunk POV~||

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Hey everyone it's a new chapter and I am really happy to release it, I hope you like it and please tell me what you think of this book so far! I want to know what you all think so I have room for improvement or as my teachers say 'stop jumping from one topic to another in 1 sentence, stay on track'. Anyway, enjoy!


Shiro POV

This Keith character seems so familiar to me, like someone I have known for a long time but haven't seen for just as many, I have always known that I am not quite normal, my hair is not natural, it's not three different shades of gray, but rather quite an obnoxious color, Purple. Yeah strange I know, my hair is three different shades of Purple, hence the three different shades of gray to cover it up. But Keith, he's so recognizable but I can't quite put my robotic finger on it. But anyway right now we are about to witness Keith change his forms to one of his three, I wonder what it is?

As we all stood watching Keith began to glow a slight Red color, his larger pointed ears shrinking to a familiar shape, his skin paling to a milky white, his Galra markings fading away, his tail shrinking to nothing and his with shirking just that little bit more, and now standing in front of us was a Human Keith.

His hair still looks similar to Mullet but rather than having a dark purple tint to it it was now a jet black with purple highlights, the yellow in his eyes dissipated and now staring at us where a Russian Violet colored eyes that had little specks of Turquoise in them, they reminded me of the galaxy nebula. His Blade outfit remained on his statue but it was a tad baggy, his skin was very pale, especially compared to Lance, but it wasn't so pale he looked like a vampire, rather a milk chocolate color, his face was dotted in light freckles from a distance but I bet that up close they are more noticeable. But then he looked me directly in the eyes and spoke the words I hadn't heard in so long, "Hello, big Brother RoRo."

Tears filled my eyes before me stood my little Brother who had been missing for years ever since he was six, I have missed him so. "Squirt..?" Keith smiled and opened his arms for me, upon the invite I ran forward and scooped him up hugging him close to me, his laugh echoing in my ear and buried my face in his shoulder. "I thought I lost you..." His laugh subsided for a little and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and spoke, "You never lost me, I was with you the whole time;" He pulled away a little and placed his hand where my heart rested, "Right here." Tears ran down my face as I pulled him closer once again, he just let me hug him as the others came closer, "It's you... Keith Akira Kogane, the one who went missing for years and was never found." Pidge exclaimed with surprise in their voice. I felt Keith shift a little and then reply to the little gremlin, "Yes, I am." Next it was Lance to speak up, "Who would have thought, the famous missing Keith Kogane was up in space fighting in a war." I looked up from Keith's shoulder and looked into his eyes, we made eye contact and then we burst out laughing, I set him back down on the ground as I was laughing too hard to hold onto him at the same time. Keith and I both knew something the others will have to wait to know.

Hunk pov

Uh hi reader- Now yes you're gonna say, 'The fourth wall!" Yeah we don't have that, I legit live in your universe I don't live under a rock and I also know you are stalking our lives, but that's okay! We can go through the pain together!

It had been a couple of days since Keith had shown us his second form and he was revealed as Shiro's missing little Brother. And mysteriously the Red and Blue Lion had shut themselves down but Blue would still reply to Lance. We got suspicious of the Lions and didn't know what to do, that leads up to where we are now all sitting in the living room trying to think of what to do. "Hmmm, mind if I take a look at them?" Keith spoke up. "I may not be a Paladin but I have come across technology similar to theirs, obviously not as advanced but, still." Us Paladins and Allura minus Shiro and Coran shared a look, we didn't quite know, if Pidge and I couldn't seem to see what the problem is then how would he know? "I also noticed the Black, Green and Yellow Lions falling into the same state. I've been keeping an eye on them and the yellow in their eyes has been flickering and they are not standing as tall as usual. It's quite odd." Not knowing what to do we all gave Keith a nod, "Let's go to Black first, with him being the head he's most likely to know what's up and hopefully tell us what us, that's if she's not still stubborn..." I shot a confused look at Keith, "What do you mean, 'still'?" Keith spun back around to us all walking behind him and Shiro beside him. "Shiro had tried to talk to Black but he ended up ignoring him and if he did answer it was one word." I nodded and gestured to him to continue walking

We had gone to all of the Lions but Red and none of them were willing to comply, so we were now on our way to visit the Paladin-less Red Lion. As soon as we had stepped in the room Red's eyes had sparked yellow before fading back to the sad gray, they only did that where they were assessing the people in the room. Keith walked up to Red and laid his hand gently on her giant paw. "Red hasn't chosen a Paladin, has she? Who was her last?" Allura dipped her head down and replied to Keith's query, "My father, King Alfor of Altea..." I felt sympathy for Allura since her Father is a touchy subject. "I see. They're not grieving too harshly, I can say that for sure. This is more like a... test." He confirms, we all look at Keith as though he had grown three heads, he laughed at our looks. "I can tell because all their energy is still there but, it's gone, a type of dormant one where it will come back but with the right ingredients, in this case, figure out the test." At the finish of his sentence suddenly the room is glowing a bright red.


Short chapter for today guys! I am astonished I was able to write this, it seems in that small window of time I was able to train my hand to learn a new way to type, anyway enough about me. I'm trying to update more often so you guys can keep up with the story and I have so many ideas for this story it's gonna be a roller coaster, fyi there will be no torturing I just personally hate reading it, just hurts to read, anyway, yeah!

What do you think gonna happen?

Let me know! :)

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