||~Lance POV~||

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Lance POV

Honestly, if anyone asked me at this very moment in time, 'What are you feeling?' or 'How are you feeling?' The best response that they would get would be 'Everything and nothing.' The castle was so quiet without the presence of the Hybrid, he filled in the little gaps and helped out where he could, he taught us things, shows us things helped me understand that I'm an asset of my own, I don't follow under the command of others I am my own person and I should embrace it. Without knowing it he also helped me with my feelings of loneliness, yes, I have Hunk, Pidge, Allura, Shiro and Coran but they're all close knit with each other, Allura and Coran and Shiro, Pidge has Hunk and I had nobody. I was the real lonewolf, but when Keith came along, he swapped my world upside down and then back around, he filled that gap, embraced my flaws, helped me learn and over time the very small amount of time, I learnt to like, no love him. He's sweet, kind, hot-headed, helpful, understanding, compassionate and best of all my closest friend. If I had my way he would be as close as I can get him as a family. He is my world, not earth, not Voltron, not my family on earth, but him, and I will stop at nothing to get him back in arms reach.

"Come on Lance, we have a visual on Keith's location, and if you don't get your quiznack down to the Blue Lions hanger I will grab you by the ears and drag you down there and you will look as though you got trampled by an entire pack of Yelmores!" Well, I was stress-laxing (Stress relaxing.) But now Pidge's voice rang through the castle speakers and hearing the name 'Keith' I was up in milliseconds and in the hanger, armor, bayard and Lion, ready to go. "I'm here, sorry." I plead, I don't want to face Pidge's wrath. It reminds me of my Mama's chancla, scary... "It's alright buddy, we can sympathize with how you feel right now, but don't know." I heard Hank's sweet honey filled voice ring through my helmet and I relaxed, "Alright, let's go blow this popsicle stand!" I yell as I urge Blue forwards and in the direction of the coordinates that Pidge gave us all.

We came towards a looming planet, it was a deep deep purple with glowing rings that were orange, the planet looked like a ghost town. "Alright team, leave your Lions up here and we're going to use our jetpacks once we pass the atmosphere of this planet, our Lions should be safe in the clouds and they will hopefully move themselves if they are to be seen." Shiro says, I had kinda tuned him out right now and was getting ready to depart Blue. I wanted to get to Keith as quickly as possible and have him back. I was about to explode. With a few mumbled agreements we begin our descent to the planet.

We had landed a couple minutes ago but we weren't advancing on the building that towered above us just yet, we were waiting for the perfect opportunity.

We had been sitting around for about 15 mins when we heard the doors of the building open and three figures stepped out, one I wished I would never see again, one I have no clue who they are and the other I thought I'd never see again. Lotor, an older man and Keith. My heart pounded in my chest like it wanted to jump out into the unknown and venture out to Keith, hold his heart in my hands and his love in my soul. I zoomed in my helmet's vision on Keith and getting a closer look I saw that his eyes, the whites of his Galra eyes are no longer white, his pupils no longer visible, all I could see was Green. A sign of intelligence, awareness and what the Galra call, control. I was disgusted to say the least, they grab my crush, drag him away from me, hold him for hours and days and then have the audacity to control him?! I was absolutely peeved.

"Pidge, his eyes, he's being controlled. His body is not his own at the moment and I don't know how to help him." I voice my concerns to the Green Paladin, they nod their head in agreement. "I see it too Lance, looks like we have more than just one problem on our hands..."


Short chapter, sorry! I wanted to get something out to you all and I hope my writing has at least slightly improved and is a bit more interesting to read, I am so sorry if I jump form topic to topic too much I try not too but it's hard to stop, I will try but I can't promis anything. <3

Bye bye! :)

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