||~Lance POV (Again)~||

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Should I start doing chapter names as well as the POV or get rid of the POV and just make a chapter name??? Let me know! I am genuinely curious!  :)


Lance Pov (Again)

We watched for 30 seconds give or take as Green eyes snapped in our direction and a purple claw pointed at us. Fluffy Purple ears swiveled every now and then on the top of his head, Lotor turned to face us, ''Now that's not nice, watching your prey without introducing yourself first..!" He says with the ultimate sarcasm dripping from his voice lacing with the tiniest bit of truth. Then pointing his long, clawed and ugly lilac hand at us and said only one word to an entire army and a puppet. "Attack."

Long story short, they attacked. We are alive, for now. And Keith's body is chasing me around this entire planet. It feels like but it's really only actually just been around the building many, many, many, many times. We had originally found the general location of this planet's solar system by the help of the tiny Dragon whose name is Draylia, to find it and then Pidge narrowed it down to this singular location. Draylia was inside the necklace that hung around my neck, Keith necklace. She's not impressed that I refused to hand the necklace over to her in exchange for the other but understands that it's all I have of him I can take anywhere without suspicion. "Keith, please! Stop this, this isn't you!" (said by every character fighting their love in history.) All I got was a stare and that was it, nothing, no sound, no voice, no comforting message, just a blank stare. Whirling around I pull out my gun and begin to aim for places on his body that won't hurt him, just temporarily disable him. Risky game, I know. I hate to fight him, I find comfort in him and now I have to fight him. During this entire fight there is most likely going to be tears shed for a long while. I don't want to cry in front of the enemy (Lotor and the Galra soldiers.) but at this point I just can't help it, they are already falling, faster and thicker and he's not awake to wipe them away, whisper reassurances into my ear, hug me till I stop crying and just be with me in my best and worst times... If only Lotor hadn't touched him, but I bet you that it wasn't Lotor that knocked him out, definitely drugged him but not taken him, that bounty is over top of the strange man who is standing by Lotor's side, grinning menacingly. "C'mon freak! Why are you holding back, kill him!" The team and I mentally froze, Holding back, Kill me!? If I wasn't panicking before I am now! Dear god let me make it out of this alive, I'm too young to die, I haven't even found my soulmate- never mind! I'M FIGHTING HIM! My sadness for what is currently happening washed away like the waves only to be replenished by rage. You take what is precious to me, I take what's beneficial to you. In this case, Keith. Win Win

Suddenly I had no control over myself and I expertly swung my arm around hooking it around his neck and holding him there and my ankle whipped under his feet efficiently knocking him off his feet and onto the ground, I placed my foot over his chest to keep him down and lent towards him, the guy and Lotor began shouting in protest to this action, I got close, closer, closer, closer and then I was right by his ear. "Come back to me Keith... I- I love you..." Keith's body froze, it was though he was frozen in time, Green eyes wide and blank but, flickering..? They're flickering, flickering, flickering, flickering, FLICKERING! HE'S FIGHTING FOR CONTROL! "C'mon Keith, please, come back to us! Come back to me! We, no I need you!" His eyes squeezed shut and when they reopened the whites of his now human eyes were a slight pale green, his beautiful purple eyes shimmering under the stars light, his raven hair sprawled out on the dirt ground, his skin that pale milky color. My Keith, the Keith I love is back. My love, the one my heart now belongs to but doesn't know I'm head over heels for him, tears fell, many tears even some on his side, his eyes began to flicker again so I did the one thing I could think of to distract him, I kissed him

On the forehead, 

grounding him and bringing him into reality, whispering reassurances to him and begging the team to finish this little fight so we can go back to the castle-ship and heal him in my head, if only it was that easy. Some of the soldiers had noticed that they were losing and looked around for their main asset to find him in my arms, unconscious, well they think that but really he is just limp and relaxing into me. They pretty much ALL begin to charge me and I duck my head into Keith's hair, there's not much I can do from the ground compared to standing or on higher ground, I was waiting for the strike, protecting Keith with my own body, bracing for the impact. It never came... I look up out of Keith's hair to find myself in between my lion, Blue's paws her jaw leaning down in front of us, her particle barrier up and strong, the soldiers had flown backwards and had landed on the hard ground some being winded other getting up and getting ready to attack the barrier to weaken it and get through to us, the other Paladins came running in this direction and I begged Blue to only, ONLY let them through to the safety of her domain, she obeyed and opened a small opening to her barrier to the back left and I said in my helmet where to go to get in and then head into the Lion so I can fly them to their own.

I lifted Keith up into my arms and held him bridal style. There was a groan of protest and my heart broke, "It's alright Keith, we'll get you back to the castle-ship and we will get you to a healing pod, get you all better..." I look up to my team standing before me with looks of relief, happiness, pity and sorrow on their faces. I nod my head and we head into the Lion. "Let's get out of here."

||~Raised by, but not act like~|| Klance ||UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now