||~Lance & Keith POV~||

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Lance POV

I watch in pure horror as my teammate gets hauled away like a sack of nothing from the small battlefield, his body limp being dragged across the hard, cold metal flooring of the place. The cloaked figure taking his hood off just enough for me to see his lower face and all I got was a menacing smile, daring me to dash forward and grab him back, stab him, kill him, anything just not stand in the middle of a fight like a lost puppy watching it's parents leave it behind. Tears slowly gathered in my eyes as his body was no longer in my line of sight, voices rang through my ears, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, IT HURTS, IT HURTS, IT HURTS, IT. HURTS! MAKE IT STOP!


BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, the sturdy repetitive sound is all I hear, it begins to tick me off. It's like a fly buzzing around the room or in your ear, just, annoying. "He's waking up." Waking up? Who? Gregory of the southern isle? It's not me, I've been awake for ages it feels like, but maybe not physically... I don't know anymore but one thing is for sure is I feel very claustrophobic. "Get... back..." I manage to mumble out as my eyes open to five faces all crowded in my vision, yuck, think of the germs. "Back up. Now" I spit out, their eyes all widen in shock as they scramble to back away from me, all standing just 5 feel away, "Better" Swinging my feet over the makeshift bed they had me on I stood on shaky feet, nearly losing my footing but soon adjusting I strut out the room with them all clearly on my heels, I was determined to find any last clue of him I could, he is last thing in this bloody masquerade of death I want to lose, along with Hunk and Pidge but they've pissed me off at the moment so I'm what they would call throwing a bit of a temper tantrum but whatever, he's more important. Turning the corner of the strange, dark, gloomy and cold surroundings I see it, his necklace laying on the ground, displaced as if thrown away and discarded as though it's not use of anything. Bending down and picking up the jewel I get a closer look at it, it's got a pair of red wings on it, it sparkles under my touch and shines a bright red. The others all gasp, I turn to them all with the necklace in grasp, cradling it to my chest. "Lance... How did you..?" Feeling a presence I didn't before I raise an eyebrow and look back, turning my head to get a better look. My eyes widen a little in shock before I clip Keith's necklace safely around my neck and reach out to the figures before me.

Because in front of me fluttering proudly is a tiny little dragon, Athena and Poseidon in all their glory.

Keith POV

Cold, dizzy, confused. That is pretty much me at the moment, I don't know where I am, pretty much who I am past the age of 10 and who the hell that is. "Ah little hybrid, you are awake, yes?" Lifting my head and making direct eye contact with the figure on the other side of what this looks to be, cell, I glare. "Who the hell are you dickwad?" The figures eyes widen before he gives a sly smile in my direction, "Oh poor poor little hybrid, seems you don't remember..." Let's be honest here, I remember but in these circumstances it's best to act stuipid and not remember so you can take the enemy down from the inside. Smart I'd say and it looks as though this dumbass brought it, no wonder he lost last time. "I guess that doesn't matter, you don't need memories for your little task anyway.

So here 'I' am kneeling in front of the one Alien I wish death upon, and surprisingly the ONLY Alien I wish death upon. I hate him, his old way of looking at life for one, his attitude, his face, his little crew, his schemes, his plans, I could go on for hours but I doubt I myself wanna listen to that, all the ways this man is hated by me. I'm just going to sit in my mind and think of all the ways to kill this guy and his little friend who I SO dislike, I DISLIKE he's not the worst but DEFINITELY not the best. Let's just hope to the stars that I don't die here, especially not to the hand of this guy, yuck, I don't even WANT to think of where his 'hands' have been. Disgusting.

"Why hello there my little puppet..." Turning my head in the direction of the new voice I see the one Alien I was hoping to avoid this life, the one Alien I wish to just throw across the universe to never be seen again, to leave in the quantum abyss, just DIE YOU DAMN THING. But sadly he hasn't. "I was hoping for a better greeting but I guess a look in my general direction is better than nothing... What a shame I was hoping to get along with the oh so famous Hybrid." I was in pain, a lot of pain, a lot more than I'd like to admit, especially to these douchebags. But I'm not going to be able to hold out for much longer in the state I am I wish I could, but I can't. "At least say something..! I came all this way for silence and a glare?! NO! TALK!" Lifting my head from where I had been looking at the dirty ground I spit out "Fuck off-" I was interrupted by pain in my abdomen and a splitting headache, but I force out the next few words. Yes I will finish my sentence.

"Lotor and Uncle..."


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, did you guess?????! You probably guessed it would be Lotor because like, he's in every main plotline in nearly every damn Voltron book as the baddy guy who everyone hates!

What do you think Keith's necklace can do? I haven't mentioned it before have I... Well, guess we'll find out why, it glows and glows for Lance!

Also updates will be faster now since my wrist and thumb at pretty much healed! I'm really happy! I get to write more now and I have a couple more stories that will soon have their teasers in this book released so I can get an idea if you like it or not!

Bye for now..!

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