||~Pidge & Allura POV~||

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Pidge pov

I trust Keith as much as I trust Matt, and that's a lot. He has shown us nothing but kindness and compassion. He's a half-breed too which makes him that little more interesting, who am I kidding A LOT MORE INTERESTING! "This planet here is Pidge, it is a Blade base and it is used for medical and meet ups." I nod my head and descend because the planet Green was purring with excitement for me. All the Lions seem to like Keith, like he is the one they bow down too. It is odd, but cute. "Right here." he says, I land Green down and then sprint out of the cockpit and down to the surface Keith right behind me. In front of us was a gigantic building. "Welcome to my old home Pidgeon and Matt's location!" Keith walks up to the door and puts his hand on a scanner, it scans his ID and then opens the door, I follow him in. He grabs a tracker off the wall and hands it to me, "See this yellow dot here? That's Matt, and we are gonna scare him, you with me?" I nod so quickly that if I nodded any faster my head would have fallen over. "Let's go." He begins walking the halls before we come to a double door he jumps up to the top of reaching down for me, I grab his hand as he hoists me up, "Shhhh." He pushed the door open and then a couple Doboshes later a very confused Matt walked out to inspect the 'self-opening' doors. Keith motions to Matt and we both jump down and yell, "BOO!" Matt snips around so fast and jumps five feet in the air, "KEITH! AND- Pidge..?" He trails off my eyes, I run up to him and hug him so tight as if the possibility of letting him go, he might disappear again. Matt turns to Keith, "Thank you for bringing her to me..." Say and let's go get me to hug Keith. Keith smiled and embraced my brother. "Anytime Matt, now all that's left is your Dad."

Allura pov 

I trust that Galra as far as I can throw him, and that is not far. It could all be an act! He could be trying to gain our trust to just backstab us! Kill us! Torture us! I HATE THE GALRA! I broke down in tears at the foot of my bed. I didn't want to be like this, I just wanted peace. My opinion is clouded by the fact that it was the Galra that killed off my kind, my parents, my friends and my girlfriend, Romelle. She was my everything along with my Parents, I loved her so much. Until Sendak took her from me. I wish I could accept the fact that not all Galra are bad, but it's just so hard... It's like going through five stab wounds at once, with a broken arm and pounding headache. Akira seems so kind, helped us to the Lions, didn't make any type of advance on us and cared for Pidge, before he had even put Pidge on his back he a wrapped their ankle up and put a splint on it, we had put Pidge in the healing pods after we got back waiting for Akira to wake up. I really wish I could accept Akira, but I just need time to process it all, the Alteans didn't communicate with many other Aliens other than the Galra so to be backstabbed by the only Aliens we talked to was heartbreaking, then finding out I was asleep for 10,000 years, my Parents bother perished, my people no longer walk the universe and my girlfriend is no longer at my side... her little brother was also a joy to be around, he brought happiness wherever he went, even if his voice was a little deeper than other Alteans his age. I wish I could rewind time and start over again...

After I had moderately composed myself I walked to the bridge to talk to Coran and the other Paladins, I think I might let Akira wander around as long as there is at least ONE Paladin with him at all times. 

I walked into the main room, to all the Paladins in the room with Akira sitting on the floor next to them with his head resting on some boy's lap who looks quite close to Pidge. His head rises at my entrance, flashing me a smile. He says "Morning Allura, meet Matt, Pidges, Brother." All the Paladins had now looked towards me, "Ah- hello Matt... Um- may I speak with Akira. Alone..?" The other Paladins especially Lance and Matt's eyes squinted in my direction, Akira stands and smiles at me, "Sure Princess. Let's talk in the kitchen, hm?" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and let a small smile ghost my lips, "Yes, please." He walked up to me and grabbed my hand leading me out of the room, his hold was gentle and warm. We had soon come to the kitchen, the others must have shown him around. He let go of my hand and turned to face me, "What's up Allura, you seem stressed?" I bow my head down in shame before raising it again. "I wanted to apologize for my actions. I was very harsh on you and you didn't deserve it, I was blinded by hatred. I hope you can forgive me." I dip my head back in shame, waiting to be hit, yelled at. Anything but what happened surprised me. I felt two hands softly grab my face and bring it up to make eye contact, his thumbs wiping the tears I didn't know escaped away. "Oh Allura, I knew approaching you would be difficult at first, I know exactly where you come from and why you're mad at my kind. I will happily accept your apology." I gasp, I wasn't expecting him to be so gentle after I had threatened him with his life. I let a smile etch itself onto my face and encase him in a hug, "Thank you so much Akira." He lets out a chuckle, "Please, call me Keith." I look down at him and smile. I always know one thing about Galra, 'Until they trust you, they will tell you their middle name. Once you earn their trust they let you call them their first name.' I had gotten his trust, I hope to the Alteans Gods, I don't screw it up.


Shorter chapter than usual, but. I think it's good. Got quite they few twists to come in this story, just you wait... Oh yeah and how can I forget! ANGST MY DEAR FRIEND WILL BE JOINING THE PARTY SOON! Obviously not THIS early in the story, but, It's around the corner. Till next time...

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