||~Lance POV~||

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Hey sorry for not updating, I had a lot of projects I needed to get done before my school term ended and now I have sprained my thumb, typing is a challenge at the moment to updates may take a while till I have healed, anyway here's the next chapter!


Lance pov

The other Paladins and I plus Allura and Coran were waiting around the castle for news of if Keith survives, I hope he does, I honestly don't even know why I have suddenly become so attached to him.

Like yeah, he was kind, sweet, sarcastic, a little mean sometimes, strong, amazing, cut- wait, did I nearly think CUTE!? Oh Quiznack, oh Quiznack, what are these feelings! I have never felt them before! Yeah yeah, you probably think I'm a playboy back on earth, I'm not, I swear! I have never been in a relationship or kissed anyone besides my Mama and Pa oh and little kisses on the head to my siblings, but that's it! So. WHAT. ARE. THESE. FEELINGS!

I know I can't ask Pidge, she probably has a bet with Hunk about my love life, I can't tell hunk because 1 bet and 2 he will probably spill it to someone, sorry Hunk. I can't ask Allura because she may tease me and I DEFINITELY can't ask Coran, he'll probably give me the long winded speech of growing up, and developing feelings and all that yada yada, worse than health class probably! So I guess my only option is, Shiro. I have barely talked to him a day in my life.

Oh yeah might I mention that we meet the shady son of Zarkon, Lotor? I don't trust that walking L'oreal paris commercial as far as I can throw him, he's 1 shady, 2 the son of Zarkon, 3 shady. Allura has for some unholy reason taken a liking to him and has fallen under his manipulation, sad. I don't like Allura anymore than a friend, which many would think odd for I flirt with like it's my last breath, it's really just a coping mechanism, far from Earth, home, my Mama, my Pa, Veronica, Marco, my WHOLE family, my life.

I just left it all behind to go fight in a intergalactic war, earn a crush on a Ho- no Cut- NO Galra hybrid, fearing that we will all lose him on his new Blade mission, meet Lotwhore, I swear he's got some shady experiment, who am I kidding he's probably feeding off someone's quintessence like a vampire for all we know.


It has been a week and we had a call from Thace saying that by schedule they should be having Keith and the Galra Woman arrive back to either the castle or the Blade's hidden base.

Turns out the castle was Keith's first option, too bad Thanos and Allura aren't here.

We are waiting in the hanger for when he jumps out with a pair of shades, is that Starbucks..? And says,

"What's up space fucks, been living on a space whale with my Galra ninja-mum and my sick ass space dog for a couple of Months also we found an entire planet of Altean refugees lol." he then takes a VERY long sip of his coffee, "Speaking of which, fuck Lotor." to say we all were speechless would be an understatement, jeez he's blunt, and how in hell did he get starbucks, Keith flicks his shades up to his head and then his eyes widen in realisation "Oh yeah here." turning around he pulls out a whole bunch of starbucks drinks, "Got one for each of ya." How did-, "I knew all of your favorites from Hunk, good guy." Well that answers my question, Hunk a Smoked Butterscotch Frap, Pidge Cookies and Cream Frap, Shiro Mocha Frap, he got me a white chocolate mocha, by the looks of it Coran a Green Tea Cream Frap and Allura a Double choc chip frap. How sweet, but how did he remember all of that..? And where did he get it? "If you're wondering where I got it, there is actually a Starbucks in space, it's not an earth thing, it's a whole galaxy thing. Aliens kill for this stuff, so you're welcome." He again took a big sip of his caramel frap. I walked over to him and gave him a one armed hug, "Thanks bud, really appreciate it." Keith flashes me a smile and leans into the hug.

We were all talking on the bridge when we heard the return of Allura and Lotor, Keith and his Mum as we learned was named Krolia, Keith's space wolf and the Altean all hid behind the sides of the door waiting to strike Lotor when he walked through. Allura walked through the door with a smile on her face and Lotor not too far behind her, before Lotor could even get too far in the room he had already been tackled to the ground by Keith, who had handed me his Starbucks, yes, we still had a starbucks we only just got to the bridge. "What is the meaning of thi-?! .... Akira?" Lotor stumbled out. "Hello, Lotor. How's the floor?" Keith replied with a smirk on his face. Lotor scowled, "Better when I'm standing on it and not being pinned to it." Keith smiled and then let Lotor up before stepping back to reveal the 'surprise' guests, Lotors eyes widened at the sight of the Altean and Allura was tearing up. "Romelle..." The Altean who had looked at Allura when her name was mentioned gave her a sweet smile, "Hello, Love..." Allura by now had tears streaming down her face "H-How are you still Alive!? It's been ten-thousand years! A-And our entire race was wiped out!" A frown crossed Keith, Krolia and Romelles lips. "Lotor is your answer, but not the good kind. Let me explain."

(after Romelle spills the tea about Lotor and he's been punched by Allura, rather than Shiro's clone taking him. It's the real Shiro and they just launch Lotor into space for someone to find.)

I knew he was feeding off someone's quintessence! What did I say! But not only one person, a whole race! Allura by now had well and truly flung herself at Romelle in a hug, clearly Romelle is someone special to her.

(The next 'day'.)

"Hey Keith, don't you think you should give Thace or Kolivan a call to let them know you're here?" Keith turned to look at Hunk who had spoken, "Meh, I probably shouldn't. But their probably gonna make me go back to the base, and put me on suicide missions again..." He groaned out and flopped onto the couch. Krolia spoke- no shouted next, "THEY PUT YOU ON WHAT?!" Keith turned his head in her direction, locking eyes with her a speaking, "Suicide missions AGAIN." Krolia steamed her purple face turning a deep shade of red. "Come with me Son." Then she turns around and walks to the bridge where the communicator is. "Kolivan if you don't answer this Quiznacking call God so help me." As she says that Kolivan appears on the screen with Thace by his side, "Krolia! Thank goodness Keith got you out of there, I suppose you told him you're his Mother?" Thace said, I get good vibes from Thace, seems like a kind Alien. "Yeah I have, and he's told me you have been putting him on his deathbed each mission you send him on!" She yelled at the hologram, Thace raised his hands in surrender, "Don't look at me, look at Kolivan, I never wanted him on those missions for the pure sake of 1 his age 2 his safety." Krolia sent Thace a warm smile, "Thank you Thace." Thace nodded in her direction before turning and saying, "Hey, Keith I'm gonna drop round at the castle to make sure you're okay, that's all good?" Before he was out the door Keith replied, "All good Pa." Thace was then gone.

Thace was now arriving at the castle to check up on Keith after his mission, and it was only Thace here, no other Galra, just him, Keith and Krolia. Thace looks like a calm guy, someone where if you do something wrong then he's pretty lenient but you're not getting away with some type of punishment. "Well Keith, you're all good to go. I would recommend making sure you can still shift forms and back and also stay out of your Galra form for a little while to let it heal its inner injuries." With a swift nod of his head Keith hugs Thace. "Thanks Pa, but these guys don't know the other 2 thirds of my bloodline." Thace made an 'O' shape with his mouth then responded, "Well how about show them just the one, since it does hurt changing to the other?" Keith nodded and released Thace and turned to all of us. "Okay so, I'm going to show you guys my second form, please don't freak out or anything... Especially you Pidge." We all nodded and waited with anticipation for Keith to shift. He closed his eyes and slowly his form began to change.


Aha another one POV chapter, it gets better I swear, right now I swear this book is so cringy :| . Anyway, see you next chapter!

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