Hi everyone!

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Quick update ya'll!

If you are still waiting for updates I am sorry to say I will not be finishing this. I have many other priorities that are needing to be done over this and I have lost interest in writing this specific book. Now that does not mean I will just stop writing completely but it does mean you probably will never hear from this account again after I update this book, I will post a book on ideas I was going to write and their unfinished and started state so then anyone can have free reign over it and can change it to how they please, but please if it is an original idea that you haven't seen before do credit my acc in for I will step in a take a look every now and then just to see whats up. The story will be set to complete but unfinished. Feel free to adopt this work and change it however you feel. This book never had a clear ending and it never was probably going to, it went so off the rails from my original idea that now it doesn't even make sense reading back on it. I wish I could have finished it but it's no use finishing something that I don't enjoy for it won't be the quality you all deserve. I apologise, Pidges_Bayard, out.

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