||~Hunk POV~||

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Hunk pov

I really like Keith, he's kind but boy can he slit your throat if you try anything. We learnt that Lance had tried to scare Keith but it ended up with his knife to his throat and Lance sweating like crazy. Keith obviously was very apologetic and gave Lance a hug, which I noticed Lance had a slight shade of Pink on his cheeks, hmmm. Might be bet I have to bring up the Pigeon. But anyway, I was in the kitchen with Keith and we were talking about our favorite things. I got to know that Keith had always wanted to meet the mythical animal, 'Star Wolf' . I had teleporting abilities and was extremely loyal if you earned its trust. I also learned he LOVES cookies. And just my luck, I was making them when he walked in. "By the way Hunk, I never asked but, what ARE you making..? I have never EVER in my lifetime seen green goo..? In recipes." I let out a loud laugh at his comment, "That's because that is all this ship has, I went to the space mall not long ago in Yellow and got some cooking supplies so that my friends and I can actually eat these things." He tilts his head to the side before smiling, "Would you like me to show you some other cooking items at the space mall next time you go? If I'm still here, that 's it." I whipped my head around so fast to face him, nobody I had met besides my family had ever taken interest in cooking. "YES, OH YES PLEASE, I WOULD LOVE SOMEONE TO COME WITH ME AND TALK TO ME ABOUT COOKING!" He let out a laugh and jumped off the counter he was sitting on, "I'll be around to talk about cooking anytime HUnk, just look for me if I'm here and if I'm not calling me." I picked him up in a bone crushing hug, "THANK YOU KEITH!" I put him back on the ground and smiled so wide I think my cheeks hurt, "Of course Hunk, we're all friends right? Also I loved to cook back at the Blade, believe it or not. I was the one who secretly did their meals." Keith gave me a wink as he finished his sentence. I gasped, "Rebel!" He laughed and I joined him. "How would I like to taste my..." I spun around to him as he had perched himself back on the counter, "COOKIES!" I said this loudly, but not loud enough for any of the others to hear. His eyes widened and he made a grabby hands at the platter, "Yes please! Also, how brutal do you want me to be?" He said that last part with a slight smirk on his face. "Not too brutal but, be honest!" I said in a rush, I do like people being honest about my cooking but not too honest! Keith giggled before taking a bite. He waited a bit before acting as though he was a judge on a cooking show and taking painstaking long to say anything, "These are probably..." He starts, "THE BEST THING I'VE EVER HAD!" I sigh in relief as he finishes, "Thank the heavens..." Little rat, did that on purpose, worse than Pidge!

3 days later

It was Keith's third day here and we all loved his company, he was nice to be around. He still hasn't told us what his other breed or breeds are and we ALL really wanna know, not even Matt knows. We heard the usual call sound of a transmission come through the castle, he all ran to the main deck and when we got there, Keith said, "Don't panic, that sound is actually a Blade audio. We use a different audio to be able to pick out who's calling." He walked up to the place where Allura stands and pressed one button then fell back to the rest of us with his hands behind his back to show he didn't touch anything else. "Hello, Paladins and Keith!" Said the Galra on the hologram. "Hello Thace! What's up?" Keith says and his head slightly tilts, the Galra named Thace ducks his head down, "There was a crew set to WATCH a fight go down between two Galra warlords who are fighting over some dead warlords base for the secret weapon on there, the dear warlords crew it still on the planet and fighting back to keep whatever members from the two warlords crew away. Here is an audio sent through." Keith looked at Allura to ask for permission to play the audio, she gave a quick nod and he rushed up to play it.

"We have come to claim the weapon!" A Males voice echoes through, Keith's tail flicking in annoyance. "You cannot have it! It's too dangerous!" A female voice rings through. "This war is dangerous, the weapon could help us in it! Stand back or I will shoot!" The Males voice returns and the Female answers, ''If you want this so-called 'weapon' you're going to have to go through me!" A growl was heard and then the Male answered "Get that weapon!" We hear a lot of gun going off a a bit of metal being sliced, a new voice enters and quick as it disappears"Get off m-"

The audio cut out. Keith's tail again flicked in annoyance, "The crew was taken out on entrance and then infiltrated but was also then killed off. We lost about 13 Blades." Thace said then he spoke again, "Keith, you are the only one who can get through now, we need to go and help this lady here, an image pops off of a Lady Galra in Zarkons uniform. "She's a Blade undercover and has been for years, we need you to get in, get her out. And learn about this weapon." Keith gives a short nod, before answering. "I'm sure I can get there in no time, just have to let these guys let me out the door." He says as his thumb jabs in our direction. "Are they holding you there against your will?" Thace say's with his face falling to a death stare. Keith quickly dismisses that idea. "No not at all, they just seem to have gotten a tad attached." As he says that, I realize Pidge is no longer standing next to Lance but rather clinging to Keith's waist in an attempt to keep him in his place. Thace gives a small smile and a slight laugh. "I see. Well, Kolivan has sent a stolen Galra fight ship to this planet, and a hologram of a pink and purple planet appears. "It's inhibited and you can use that to get into the base, also, watch out for the debris, you're our best pilot and hand to hand fighter, we need you out there, collect as much data as you can." Keith nods and picks up Pidge "Will do. See you on the other side, Dad." Thace gives a smile, "See you Son." Once the transmission ended Lance just had to blurt out, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So your Dad is Kolivan AND Thace?" Keith laughs, "Not biologically, more like emotionally. My birth Mother is a Galra hybrid herself and my Father you will find out with time." I then decide to ask a question that I hope will not be answered the way I think it will, "Is it dangerous..?" Keith looks in my direction, "Oh yeah, of course it is. I could well truly die." My eyes widened and he said that so casually!

Keith got ready in his armor and began his walk to hanger since the ship was passing by the planet his little cruiser was on, we all were honestly freaking out more than him, we just befriended a Galra hybrid and they might be ripped from our hands like that carpet under our feet, he's sweet and kind but also, hot-headed and sarcastic. He loves a good joke here and there and has helped us all learn to fight better. We didn't want him to go but we all know, duty calls... So we came up with a little plan.

Keith was walking to the hanger to jump down to the Planet and we were all hiding behind the door. As soon as he stepped into the room we all tackled him and pinned him to the floor, hugging him and laughing. He was stunned at first but soon joined up in our laughs. "You guys do know I have to go right?" Coran stepped off to the side and the sly stoat was recording us. I was happy we were because, y'know memories! But I also wasn't because, uh rude!

Before we knew, Keith was off. He was no longer on the ship and we didn't know if he would return.

(I can't be bothered writing the whole, Keith meet Krolia ordeal soooo, refer to s5 e5 Bloodlines Voltron Legendary Defenders on Netflix to see the situation, it will pretty much go like that but Keith still looks Galra, not human. The only difference is that Krolia and Keith weren't stuck in the astral plains (Is that what it's called?) for two years but, rather a couple months.)


Woooo, first one POV chapter. Hope you liked it! I swear me writing angst is gonna bite me up the ass isn't it? You guys might kill me but, oh wellllll... What written is written in stone...

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