Which book do you want to see first?

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Hiii readers! This isn't a chapter if you couldn't already tell, but the book will end sometime soon (Not even I know when yet) But I want to create a bit in this book where you can vote on the next book you want to see when I come to release it, you can ignore this update if you wish and wait till I post the next chapter, that fine! But I would apreciate if you read these prompts and told me in the comments of that prompts or just the comments in general which you would like to read after this book if you wish to stick around! Just a heads up, its always Klance! ;)

White Paladin Keith

Story name: The White Lion and it's Paladin

Ship(s): Klance, Shadam, Huay (Hunk x Shay) OC x Pidge. 

Characters: Keith, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Allura, Coran.

prompt: White, the shade of every color, it's bright but can be dark. It's kind but can be mean. It's in you, it's in me. One Paladin left to find, one Paladin left to fly. Zooming through the sky the automatic firefly, it is bright, it is calming but it can bring destruction to those who harm loved ones. Who will Pilot this amazing beauty? Will the Paladins find their fate? Will you help the team get to the end, you're the god, are you not? Read the book, help them get to the end. (NOT A Y/N BOOK OR YOUR THE BIG BEAUTIFUL GODDESS/GOD OF THE BOOK IT'S SAYING YOUR THE READER YOU HAVE CONTROL, READ IT TO HELP THE TEAM REACH THE END!)

Mythical (fairy/pixie AU)

Story Name:  The moon and gems shine bright

Ship(s): Klance, Shadam, Huay (Hunk x Shay) OC x Pidge.

Prompt:  Wings, dust, magic, love. A race nearly brought to extinction except for one of them left in hiding. We have a Water Fairy, Forest Fairy, Sunshine Fairy, Mystical Fairy, Metal Fairy, Beauty fairy and a ???? Fairy crossed with a ???? ????. Will the Fairy in hiding reveal themselves? Will the others find through pure mistake or a reveal. Read, find out, you're not going to know unless you read it!

Magic? AU

Story Name: My spark, my droplet

Ship(s):Klance, Shadam, Huay (Hunk x Shay) OC x Pidge.

Prompt: 4 Voltron Paladins, now you might be wondering, 4?! But there are 5 Voltron Paladins for the 5 Lions! You are correct but, what if they had never found 5th Paladins till they look at a myth, that hasn't been mentioned in human history for years but Alien history for days. There is a prophecy, a confusing one to those who try to crack the code, but if you know, you know... and that is exactly what this 5 year old boy did.

The prophecy goes,

Water and fire, a deep desire. Look beyond the flames, for something has been there for days. Looking into the water, for sometimes it can slaughter. If you believe in the myth, you will find the fifth. The one with water is to break the curse, just look out for the reimburse...

Galran Keith x Altean Lance AU

Story Name: Two Princes 10,000 years later

Ship(s): Klance, Shadam, Huay (Hunk x Shay) OC x Pidge.

prompt: The Prince of the Galra, the Prince of the Alteans. Two best-friends, maybe more, separated by the war and sent into a 10,000 year sleep. The Galra manipulated by Zarkon and their voices taken away only to be used for certain sentences or threats, their race talent, taken away. Alteans, supposedly wiped off the universe clean but, there are three left in the open, the others in hiding. The best-friends awaken from their sleep thinking the other no-longer walks the surface of a planet or ship, both thinking wrong crash into each-other as the Galran Prince runs away from his Father, Step-Mother and Brother. Taken back to the castle of Lions to help in the war, will the two find their feelings and embrace it or will they forever remain best-friends?

Altean colonist Keith AU

Story name: "The Lion chose you." "ME?!"

Ship(s): Klance, Shadam, Huay (Hunk x Shay) OC x Pidge.

prompt: Hiding in plain sight, through a barrier and into the ground. The Red Lion, zooming and swerving to its destination, Alteans many of them, a certain one found. Secrets uncovered, relationships re-bonded, a new bond made and new relationships everywhere! A beautiful space day they have finally made it through the storm and now, it's a clear day...

Altean Prince Keith AU

Story Name: MY Prince, MY Human

Ship(s): Klance, Shadam, Huay (Hunk x Shay) OC x Pidge.

Prompt: Lies, they're a hurtful thing, but sometimes it can be the best thing. Living in a lie is the worst I would know that my entire life has been a lie. I'm just thankful to be surrounded by those who aren't a lie. My Parents, Friends, Sister, were all a lie. I was never raised by them. She wasn't my friend but rather my sister and now here we are, the worst place to be in the middle of a war, in the clutches of the baddie.

Allura and Keith sibling AU

Story name: The two Unknown sibling

Ship(s): Klance, Shadam, Huay (Hunk x Shay) OC x Pidge.

Prompt: One on Altea, one on Earth. Brought together by a war. One changing their appearance to fit in and suppressing habits to not be outcasted. The other slept for a little longer waiting for the other to find them and hold them in their arms once again. Both memories are taken from them. Their hearts heavy with something missing, a secret revealed. Appearance changed back to normal. Happiness and Love all around...

Baby/Toddler AU

Story Name: "Please turn back to normal already..."

Ship(s): Klance, Shadam, Huay (Hunk x Shay) OC x Pidge.

Prompt: Struck by a bolt of power, decreasing their age to a non-fightable age and venerable, two still normal must now look after the two toddlers, two kids and one baby. One stressed to the bone but doing well the other trying to reverse the spell and help where they can, will they do it , I think they will

There is also a winged AU but that info is on my phone... so I'll update that later probably in the next chapter then the book will continue!


Those where all the story ideas I have, please let me know which one you would be more interested in and I will do that story first then the second most liked on will be released after the first, it will go like, that. :) 

Have a nice day!

||~Raised by, but not act like~|| Klance ||UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now