||~Hunk & Shiro POV~||

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I hope that maybe if you're reading this you possibly read the previous two 'chapters' they are a vote to which AU I am keen to write you want to see after this book, they will all be written with time (maybe, I wish) but I need help deciding. It will either be that way or I will throw all the AU's on a wheel and spin it to find out! SO yeah enjoy this chapter I won't keep you any longer :)


Hunk POV

"How the hell did you do that?!" I hear Pidge scream from behind me, there before us all was a beautiful blood red scaled Dragon that has gold shining eyes and a even darker red markings on it tiny body, its tail tip, tip of it ears and its under belly were a light red almost baby pink color and what shocked us most was the blue version of the necklace Lance found on the floor. The Dragon flew forward and landed on Lance's shoulder and tilted it's head craning its neck out signaling to Lance to take the necklace from the small creature in exchange for the one already around his neck. Lance reached his hand to the back of his neck to unclip the necklace but hesitated. His eyes downcast, then Blue spoke.

"My dear Cub, it is alright to give the little one the necklace.... Nothing will happen because only two people can take the jewelry from around the young ones neck." We were all shell shocked, could the Lions always speak? Blue- sorry Poseidon's voice was soft like the waves after the storm, his voice carried concern but at the same time comfort, then Athena spoke up.

"My dear, you are held close by Keith, he sacrificed himself in that past battle obviously to keep everyone safe, but mostly you. The young Dragon just wants to give you one piece of the story. For Keith is unable to give it to you himself."

During Athena's sentence she had crept up and wrapped her tail around Lance's wrist bringing it down away from the necklace and onto her back and rubbed against his side, Poseidon doing the same not long after the Dragon also nuzzled his cheek. "Paladin, Keith is alive, we can tell you that much. Beat but alive he is in pain but is trying to fight it. I can see through his eyes but only in a blur, something is cutting me away from him, so we all came to you instead, something is happening and we can't stop it." Athena speaks up once again and sits in front of Lance and Poseidon plants himself by Lance's side.

The tiny dragon nudges the necklace that is apparently Keith's to signal to Lance he needs him to hand it over Lance then sighs and speaks. "I'm sorry but can I keep it a little longer? I just want SOMETHING of his to keep close..." He says with tears brimming his eyes, he was so confident and strong before but now, all I see is the same boy I met at the beginning of the Garrison, Broken... and without their pillar of happiness. </3

Shiro POV

I am livid, let me tell you, they took a vital member of the team, took away an amazing person, Lance's pure happiness, I haven't seen him so happy and took away Matt's best-friend. I may not have known Keith that long for my memories of my teen life are all over the show but, I know he is someone you would want by your side and I can clearly see how much he has impacted on every life he comes across.

Lance, he made him smile more than I have seen in a long time, Keith encouraged him to eat more and take care of himself and be confident in his skills but not cocky.

Pidge, reunited them with their Brother and brought peace to their small world but now a gigantic galaxy of a world and helped them with the stress, pulled them away from their computer and held them till they fell asleep.

Hunk, he helped Hunk gain confidence in is own skills and lifted him up when Hunk usually lifts other, taught Hunk new cooking skills and how to read, Altean, Galra and mostly many Alien races language so he knows what he's buying, Hunk is a very fast learner.

||~Raised by, but not act like~|| Klance ||UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now