||~Pidge and Lance pov~||

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"Hey... How ya'll doing..?" Sorry I have been gone for so long! I was just so caught up in school and stress that I just didn't have much time, I have been writing little bits here and there but other than that this is the next chapter.

Pidges POV

So, I don't really know what to think of at the moment. We have been all sitting around a pod that holds Keith inside and he's been in there for ages. Every now and then Coran will add a serum to the pod to fight off the one Lotor had given him and get it out of his system, we all want it out so he can't use Keith to an advantage. 

I know I said he's been in there for ages but he's really only been in there for 2 earth days. Lance hasn't left the room so we ended up getting him a blanket and pillows. Keith's necklace was still around his neck. Keith's little dragon was tucked against his side and was purring, I think in comfort of our Blue Paladin. Poseidon was laying behind Lance with his head on Lance's lap or if he's laying down on his side or stomach. 

Athena was sitting on her hunches in front of Keith's pod whining every here and there, her tail, ears and eyes would glow every so often as well before Poseidon would drag her over to rest and would literally use his own body to pin her down.

This brings us to now, we all have been passing the time in our own ways and the timer of Keith's pod had gone off, signaling he was being released soon, Athena was pacing the room with Shiro trailing not too far behind her. 

Poseidon was just watching the both of them and Lance was staring holes at the pod. Hunk was fidgeting with his jacket to my left, Allura was playing with her hair to my right and Coran was double checking Keith before confirming his release. "Alright, Lance? Want to catch him?" Lance honestly jumped up so high that Draylia had jumped along with Poseidon, Athena's head snapped in his direction and Shiro stopped in his tracks. "Yes, yes please!" Lance said now right next to Coran, I swear that boy can teleport. 

"Now since Keith is a hybrid, he will immediately wake up and be aware of his surroundings, don't be too loud." Lance nodded his head so quickly I thought it was going to unhinge itself from his neck like a headless chicken. "I will." He says his voice a near whisper. "Alright, out he comes." Lance positioned himself in front of the pod and waited for the liquid to drain and door to open, once it did Keith came falling out and into Lance's waiting arms. "L-Lance..?" I hear a slightly raspy voice, "Keith, oh thank god, you're okay, you're okay, you're okay..." 

Lance had by now tucked Keith into his chest and tightly gripping him close, Athena came padding over and nudged Lance's leg, Lance slightly pulled away for Athena to get a head pat and for lance to sit down on the ground, them both tired, lance from not moving much and Keith from being frozen in time practically, Sitting on the ground Lance still hugging Keith from behind Athena settles her head on his lap, poseidon joining her by curling himself around her and Lance soon the other Lions were present, Apollo, Artemis and Ares. They huddled up by the four and settled down all purring.

"Hello guys, sorry about these cuddle bugs. How are you all feeling?" Keith asked with a slight tilt of his head, "We should be asking you that, but we are all fine, Lance is probably the only one with major problems right now, he misses you, really bad too." Shiro speaks up standing not too far from the cuddle pile, Ares grabs Shiro by the flesh arm and softly tugs making him fall into the pile of bodies, Apollo had used his tail and had Hunk by the middle guiding him over to the pile and Artemis had just glared at me and I obeyed walking over and settling down. 

"I'm not the only one who needs sleep, rest. You all deserve it. You too, Coran and Allura, join us, please." Coran and Allura both shared a look before joining us, and that's how we all slept for the 'night' all huddled up together and enjoying each other's company.

5 hours later

Lance POV

Awakening was a calm thing for once, I wasn't waking up in a stressful state but rather a calm one. There were someone's fingers combing through my hair like my Mama back on earth. It was extremely calming. My Mama used to comb her fingers through my hair as a way of calming me down, since it's a way of bringing someone back to reality. The fingers scraped my scalp and I absolutely melted. I haven't felt this calm since he has been on earth. I wish this could be forever but everything has an end. 

"Hey, Lance. It time to wake up..." I opened my eyes fully expecting to be curled up to Posieden's side with Pidge hovering over me to wake me up so we can check on Keith. What I didn't expect was to see Keith's head in my vision with his face holding a soft expression and what seems like my head in his lap, my face flushed red. 

A smile broke out on his face. "Morning sleepy head." He says. I shift my head slightly to see my entire team curled up around us asleep along with the other lions, it was a cute sight, it would be cuter if I could see Keith, but I can't he moved to an upright position. Pity. "Hey Keith?" I whisper. "Hm?" He hums in reply, "Why are we on the floor?" I shift my head once again, but this time so I can face his pretty features. 

"Well, before we all fell asleep you guys took me out of the pod and you wouldn't let me go, so much so that you fell asleep on me and nobody had the heart to move you since you apparently haven't slept. The others and Lions joined us on the floor and now here we are." He explains

I make an 'O' shape with my mouth before I sit up properly facing Keith his eyes were no longer than hideous colour but rather they're beautiful galaxy purple, please I am such a simp for him.

How can I not be though!? He's so damn pretty for a man! I have no clue how he doesn't have a girlfriend or boyfriend at this point. He's got such pretty privilege like those hot anime boys, I swear.

"Well anyway, wanna help me make some lunch? Yes it is lunch and yes I can walk just fine." He literally just asked both questions I was gonna ask him but okay. "Fine, but I'm watching you mullet." Keith just playfully rolls his eyes. "Mhm. Let's just go."


Haha guess what?

See ya'll next year!!! :DDDD

||~Raised by, but not act like~|| Klance ||UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now