||~Pidge & Keith POV~||

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Pidge pov

We were all now covering our eyes as a red light covered our vision like a blanket being thrown over us, it was extremely bright could even compare to Lance's smile when he's around Keith | ;) |. When the light had died down the Red Lion was no longer standing T A L L and proud above us all but rather was sitting on its haunches in the form of a. Real. Lion. Its fur was a soft blood red and had a white underbelly, white star on its forehead, white tipped ears as though someone dipped their ears in paint, same goes for the paws but it also looked like it's fur reflected the galaxy. The Lion's tail was swishing from side to side as it stared softly at Keith who might I add was still standing by it side hand now on the Lions head. Keith giggled. "I knew it, I thought it would be you lot of trouble makers..." At his comment there was soon a smaller green version of the Red Lion at Keith's left, a larger Blue Lion in front of him and even larger Yellow lion laying in front of him and a Black Lion towering over him from behind, the Green Lion was mostly just a green version of the Red Lion. The Blue Lion had a muscular build but still a feminine look and had white patches every here and there with a red marking on its back. The Yellow Lion had small red and white patches scattered across its body similar to freckles along its sunshine yellow coat. And the Black Lion was stunning. It had a mane that had streaks of red, blue, yellow and green gently floating through it like a river, its coat was similar to Keith's hair in Galra form but more black than purple. One thing that was the same with all the Lions is their glowing bright blue stripes around their ankles..? Is that what they call them? Anyway, and each of their eyes seemed to match with the Paladins... The Blue Lions shimmered a beautiful ocean blue, the Yellow Lion's a deep but soft at the same time brown, Greens my hazel shimmer with a hint of green, Blacks a dark gray and the Red Lions shone a Russian Violet color that had little specks of Turquoise, reminding me of Keith and the galaxy. Keith turned to us with a smile on his face after petting each of the Lions. The Yellow, Blue and Black Lions dipped their heads to let him. "Guys, meet the Galaxious Pride. Otherwise known as the Voltron Lions. These Lions are actually called Astrial Cat's, but their breed is long gone and these guys are the last of their kind, they also have names, Red is named Athena, girl, Blue is Poseidon, boy, Yellow's is Apollo, boy, Green is named Artemis, girl, and Black is called Ares, boy, yes they are named the same as the Greek gods but I assure you, these guys were here long before them." We all watched as the Athena snuggled up to Keith and rubbed his side Poseidon clearly not liking this as they pawed at Athena's tail, She did not like this action as she practically nudged Keith onto her back since she literally stood at his chest, Keith laughed as Poseidon visibly huffed and plumped his way over to Lance and slumped onto Lance efficiently knocking him over as lance audibly 'Oofed' as he hit the floor, I shook my head disappointedly as Artemis made her way over to me, sniffing me before nuzzling my hair similar to Athena but higher up. I watched from the Green Lions embrace as Ares trotted his way over to Shiro and layed down next to him with his head up, watching. By now Apollo had made his merry way over Hunk and was getting a belly rub, that he seems to be enjoying to quite the extent

( That was a LONG paragraph ;-; )

(Now I know what you're gonna say, "ThE lIoNs ArE aLl FeMaLe! >:(" Well I don't think so if you properly look at the build of the lions only Red and Green look half feminine, and I need these genders for the story so, don't like it? Cry about it.)

We were all now just bonding with the Lions. Keith and Lance were talking, poor Keith was still up on Athena's back as she wasn't letting him down, Poseidon had settled his head in Lance's lap so he was trapped to the ground. Hunk and I were talking as Apollo and Artemis were to our left, play fighting, Apollo wimping away a lot as Artemis made various advances on him. Shiro was over talking to Matt, Krolia, Allura and Coran and Ares intimidatingly towered over all five of them and staring down at them I could stand next to the fVcker and I'd get lost in all the fluff.

Keith Pov

To put it short, I'm stuck on my own Lions back. She is clearly very possessive, same with her partner who is right now staring daggers at me as I try and communicate without melting into a puddle at Poseidon's glare, Athena took notice of this and softly growled at the other causing Poseidon to look down in shame from where his head lay in Lances lap. "Oh Poseidon, I'm not going to steal your lady, she's merely stealing me..." I rolled my eyes at the Blue Lions antics, seeing in the corner of my eye Poseidon getting up from Lance's lap but still forcing him to stay on the ground, Poseidon came up to me and Athena and grabbed me by the scruff of the neck like a cub, sitting down and placing me in between his front paws before getting a better grip and plopping me down on Lances lap, I squeaked as he practically dropped me on Lance. My face got increasingly reader as Lance wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in between my shoulder blades in embarrassment. The other Lions had noticed this and ended up waltzing on over like they own the place and plopping themselves in the circle around Lance and I as a way of saying, 'You can not escape." I could also hear the other Paladins plus Allura and Coran cracking up and by the sounds of it Shiro throwing a hissy fit.

Sooo Lance and I have been stuck on the floor in that same position for 1 hour now and the Lions have NOT and I repeat HAVE NOT let us get up, the other Paladins, Allura and Coran have been desperately trying to get the Lions to let us get up for the past 45 minutes since the other 15 they were too busy laughing, I would have loved to punch Poseidon, Ares, Apollo and Artemis right about now. I don't want to punch Athena because she hasn't done anything surprising, she just was tugging at Poseidon's tail trying to get him to let up and back away, so I did the one thing, my last resort, to get these big oafs to move. "One..." The Lions' heads shot up in panic, "Two..." They began to scramble away and Lance removed his arms from my waist and I stood up, "Three..!" Athena joined in the chase as her and I began to tackle the other Lions down, first to fall, Apollo, second Poseidon, third Artemis and last Ares, Ares just kinda accepted his fate since Athena and I are a force to be reckoned with. Me, the tiny Keith was now standing in front of four gigantic Lions waving my finger accusingly at them as they and bowed their heads in shame and Athena, the other Paladins, Allura, Coran, Matt and Krolia my Mother all laughed their asses off, My space wolf Kosmo didn't know what to think.  


Holy cows, okay, so a mission and some good old angst is about to jump in the Cadillac so, beware and I'll see you next chapter, (It will be a time skip too btw.)


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