||~Keith POV~||

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Hiya! So I haven't updated on this book for ages I will admit that. Honestly there is no excuse for not updating other than I didn't. Like I've been doing absolutely nothing other than swimming. But like, yeah. Um This is like 17 days late but, happy new year and thank you so much for 1k reads! I saw it recently and I am so happy that people enjoy reading this and sincerely apologize for not continuing for you. But here is another chapter hopefully I get this out in the day I'm writing it. Enjoy

Keith pov

It was a nice and peaceful 'day' 'today' which was strangely odd due to y'know. War. But looking on the brighter side, I was back in the castle surrounded by those I feel most comfortable with, my team. The cell that damn Rat named Lotor had me in was like sitting in a Pig pen. yuck. 

Back to the present Lance and I were making lunch for the team since judging by the looks of this kitchen they all gave in to just goo whilst I was gone because it was all pretty much as Hunk and I left it. 

I Poured a little bit of goo into a bowl before making my way over to the 'pantry' grabbing some ingredients I grabbed out a pan setting in on the 'stove' as Lance sat on the counter watching me. I use the goo as the base ingredient to this concoction and threw a few other things in there. If you hadn't already guessed I was making an abbreviation of pancakes, I couldn't make it exactly like it due to the real stuff I need on earth but it was good enough. "Breakfast food at lunch, really Mullet?" Lance squawks out from the left I lift my head up and face him leaning one elbow on the counter.

"Yeah, got a problem? I'll happily give ya goo for Lunch." I say with a smirk finding it's way onto my face, Lance only grumbles before forcing out, "No it's fine." I chuckle before going back to what I was doing.


"Mind going and waking everyone up? I'm just about finished." I exclaim to Lance who's done near to nothing. He shrugs "Sure." and off he goes. Finally peace. Just kidding he just sat there and watched bringing up a convo every now and then. It was a bit dry I'll admit but, oh well.

"Keither!!" I turn just in time for Pidge to launch herself at me full speed and wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. "Hello to you too Pidge." I say as she smiles and motions to be put down, which I do.

"Hey Keith, old buddy!" Hunk says as he hits me lightly on the shoulder. "Hey Hunk, how ya holding up?" I ask he shrugs a smile etched on his face, "The usual!" I smile back as he along with Lance and Pidge sit down. "Nice to have you back Keith." Shiro explains to me with a hand on the same shoulder Hunk hit. "Nice to be back." I reply

"I'm so happy you're back Keith, it was rather quiet without you." Allura speaks her opinion to me with Coran at her side. "I bet in some what it was rather peaceful without a bit of bickering." I state my smirk growing wider. "Well in a way yes, but another absolutely not!" Coran bubbles out with his usual enthusiasm. "Well Brunch is on the table, hope you like it, I'm going to take a nap in Athenas chainber. Yes I have eaten, Lance and I ate as I cooked!" I yell out as I'm walking out the door heading for my destination.


"How are you Athena?" I get a rumble in my mind that say's she fine but there's something else. I walk into her open chainber. "What's up?" I get a small non-threatening growl. "You want a hug..?" I ask unsure of what she really wants. I get a soft purr in response and then a red lioness is sitting a few feet away from me, I make my way over to her and wrap my arms around her neck. "Thank you Keith." Athena speak to me. I just nod my head as 'she lays down on her side and I lean up against her stomach pulling out a holographic book to read. 

Relaxing just sitting in her presence id relaxing. Common belief is that in her company with her fiery passion it makes you a snappy person and all of that yada yada but really, that's just me. 

A snappy, rude, and fiery person. 'Do as I say not do as I do.' that's what I like to say, kinda funny though. But the best part is that every fire has a heart, weather that fire is wild or tamed or even controlled although you can never REALLY control fire...


Athena and I were just sitting in each others presence when I had fallen asleep against her, she had curled her tail around me and rested her head in my lap. My holographic book had fallen to my left. Although as I was sleeping I felt two presences enter the room and I couldn't quiet pinpoint who they were, but they felt familiar. Trusting my instincts I fall back asleep covered by Athena.


I awake once again, jeeze what a nap, now my throat is as dry as the Sahara desert and I have a pounding headache, lucky me. I remember how I felt two presences enter the room a couple of hours ago and open my eyes looking around carefully. my view is then taken over by blue, that same blue from "Poseidon, I can't see." Around my eyes was the fluffy blue tail of Poseidon Lance's Lion and cradled by his paws once his tail was removed from my eyes was Lance, asleep. Eyes softly shut and mouth slightly hung open. "Oh, I see. Well I didn't before but I do now." I quietly chuckle, Poseidon was trying to keep me quiet or just make me go back to sleep so I didn't wake Lance. Funny Lion he is.

"Alright, alright, you go to sleep I do." I spoke softly to the blue lion who clearly hadn't slept since he was most likely watching over the rest of us. "But I don't want to your Pri- Keith." He spoke but interrupted himself because of the glare I sent his way. "You will rest, how can you protect them if you're too tired?" I query him, knowing I've already won this battle. I smile when Poseidon grumbles and mumbles something along the lines of 'fine'. 

"C'mere you big softy..." I say and reach one arm out to his as he picks Lance up softy and shuffles closer resting his head under my hand, I press a kiss to my hand then place said hand back on his head. "Rest." I mumble and it's lights out. For everyone, including me.


Wow, a lot of jumping this chapter but I'm honestly running out of ideas, I loved the idea of this book but I have a feeling the end is going to be extremally rushed and un-tidy so once I finish the book if you ask I wouldn't mind if you wanted to re-write this book yourself. ask first though I don't want to be reading and then stumble across a book nearly identical to my own. 

Have a lovely year and I hope all goes well

Love - Pidges_Bayard

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