??? POV

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??? POV

"THAT DAMN HYBRID!!!" I am right now made out of my mind, that little damned Hybrid just got rid of my only chance of discovering the most amazing discovery that any Galra has made, so he has brought me to my last option. And his little friends aren't gonna like it...

"I have a plan on how you could get the Hybrid on your side and I can get my revenge on the little brat." The Galran I was talking to raised his head in my direction, "Go on..."


Let me explain my little plan... the little Hybrid who I am now chasing has caused me and a few others a few problems... and now I am looking to get my revenge on the brat and I have a contestant playing the game with me... Let's just say, they have a plan of their own...

It's time, jumping away from the hybrid I watch a vile fly across the room and land in the back artery of the kids neck, many people and Aliens on the opposite side jump up to grab him but they were too late, the kids already been taken by my team mate... Till next time, reader, hope your little hybrid doesn't die! HAHAHHAHAHAHA


This is a short chapter for a reason!! I swear I am writing but my damn brain came up with another great book idea soooooo, I have also been adding to that for when this book is over! Hope you all have an Altean day! Byeeeeee!

Also! who do you think this is????? Let me know, I wanna see if you can guess who it is or figure it's someone when it's not....

||~Raised by, but not act like~|| Klance ||UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now