Hey stupid I love u <3

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"No, we are just friends" that hit me hard I have to admit. Little does Nancy know I have loved her ever since we were 18. I keep walking as I hear paps and fans scream out my name, Harry comes up to me "hey Niall" he says sadly, "Nancy?" he asks obviously he knows. "Yeah, what about you, Louis?" I say with a huff as we sit down at a table, "Yeah, I'll never know how he deals with being with her" he says indicating towards Eleanor, "Harry you know he has to, he doesn't get a choice either" I say. "Yeah I know, anyway, what about Nance?" he says changing the topic, "she's still as clueless as ever!" I say, "who's clueless?" Nancy's voice appears out of nowhere, "no one" I mumble, "ok?... have you seen how many people are here?, is it normally like this?!" she asks with excitement. 

"Yeah practically" Harry answers, because if I answered I'd probably cry, "are you ok Niall?, you seem a bit off?" she asks obviously being observant, "Yeah I am fine, just tired," I say lying. "oh ok" she says as the host walks out. The host was Rita Ora this year. 

She goes through a whole lot of awards, we win 5 different awards, and Ed wins a couple too, by the end of the night I was ready to lay down in my bed and die. There were only a couple of awards left, and we were all just sitting there waiting patiently. 

Ok a little short but it was my first Niall POV and to be fair I was also watching a live stream of one of louis concerts in Melbourne that I missed because I flunked english then my mum grounded me and told me no  concert... but anyway... I was crying too so I have such a great excuse!


.P.S. I also am sorry for not updating :( but I am so happy because I see  that I have 15 reads and because I am bad at writing that's more than I have ever had :)

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