"My little girl is moving out"

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Riley's POV
With my parents permission and the key to Lucas's house in London. Me and Lucas packed for ourselves and Oscar then headed straight to London! Well we did but not before saying goodbye to my parents, Auggie and Ava.
"I'm going to miss you Riley. And you too Oscar." Auggie said looking at us both.
"We'll miss you too Auggie, we'll FaceTime as much as possible!"
"Promise?" Auggie pleased
"I promise Auggie!"
I walked over to my father.
"My little girl, moving out already"
My father gave me a hug. Then he had another look at Oscar.
"But I know she's ready" he continued.
It was hard saying goodbye to my mother.
"Now you know how it feels. Being a mother, finding your one true love, becoming a mother!" My eyes welled up a multiple of times throughout her little goodbye speech.
Auggie was the worse.
"Bye bye my little friend." I heard him say to Oscar. He turned round and hugged me. Not just for a few seconds. For a few minutes. He didn't want to let me go. Eventually once he accepted I was leaving we got through the the door and into the car heading off to Lucas's family home.

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