Just silence

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I held the pud menu tightly in my hands, there were so many delightful treats available to order:
Red velvet cake
Devils chocolate cake
Sponge cake
Ice creams
Honey comb
Sticky toffee pudding
The list was endless!
My mouth waters just looking at them all. Who knew it'd be so tricky to pick a pud?!
Our waiter tottered over to us to order our deserts.
"Madam's choice?"
I didn't reply. Just shrugged.
"Would madam like chef's choice?"
I nodded "please"
"For sir too?"
"Yes thank you"
The waiter took the menu away and then tottered away.
My hand was lay down on the table, Lucas reached out and placed his hand on top of mine.
We looked into one another's eyes.
We were dreaming into one another's eyes until our puddings were ready. It must of been around 9 minutes. The waiter tottered over towards us with two... Tiny plates. My face dropped. The man placed the plates down onto the table. The plates did look tiny yet... The cakes looked gigantic. We had caramel cream cake. A massive pile of delightful deliciousness.

It took the both of us about 24 minutes to finish the bundle of sweetness. We both felt like we'd pop any second, yet we couldn't leave a crumb. The pair of us sat back in our chairs, we both had fill tummies and both could just fall to sleep any second.
"Madam sir? You finished?"
"Oh yes thank you" Lucas replied with a smile.
" the bill please sir." I requested
"Oh madam, don't you worry about that." He then walked away, taking his plates with him.

Lucas then stood up, placed his hand on his hip to create a half circle with his arm.
"Can I take a young lady on a walk?" I looked at him.
"Have you forgotten something?" I questioned
"Not that I know of"
"Well you have, the bill. We need to pay!"
" like I said before Ri. I have this all under control. Come on let me take you somewhere" I got up onto my feet. And put my arm through his arm to link him.

He wakes me out from the restraint and into the elevator. He pressed floor 7, we got out from in the elevator and we walked through the hall. The hall was a long, narrow hall with cream carpets and white wallpaper. We walked around this corner. There was a little window seat like the one in my room, except this one was a little higher and a different shape but you know what I mean. He sat me down and we held hand with one another.
It was so silent. No voices. No screaming. Just silence.

"I've enjoyed it tonight. Thank you for taking me out . And for taking me here."
He didn't say anything.
"you alright? Lucas??"
He still didn't say anything.

He still didn't say anything.for a while

He was just silent.

He just looked into my eyes.

I didn't know what was going on.

Was he okay?

He lent forwards.







He lent in to kiss me.

He kissed me on the lips.

I kissed him back.

It wasn't a long kiss. Just 2.. Or ...3 seconds. It was nothing really. Just a kiss.

He lent back out from our first kiss. He looked to the floor.
"You alright?"
"Couldn't be better Lucas"
"Good, because we have a lot more to do."
"What do you mean? It's almost 11. I'd better be getting home"
"You don't Ri."
"What do you mean?"
"Spoke to your parents, they agreed on something... Just come with me."
"But Lucas..."
"Riley just trust me"

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