Telling the news

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Topenga's POV

My hands were shaking. My legs were shaking. My whole body was shaking. All because of one bit of news. It kept repeating in my head, like a nursery rhymes that kept playing over and over again.

I placed my hand onto the handle to go back into the room but not before taking a massive breath first.

I wobble over towards Corey and Lucas.

"Good news?" Lucas asks.
I didn't say anything.
"Bad news?" Corey assumes.
I didn't say anything.
Why did the doctor give me the terrible job to me. Why did I have to tell the boys that Riley was more pregnant that we thought?

"Topenga!" The boys said in unison.
I was just preparing myself.
"Listen. Lucas. Riley is pregnant" I said slowly
"You don't say!" He said back cheekily.
I paused
"Come on!" Coney hurried me. I began to feel stressed out. More!
"Well... The doctor has done a scan on her over the last couple of days... And Riley is due in months time!" I scrunched my face up, expecting both Lucas and Corey ( mainly Corey) to begin to should and ball at me. When in reality they looked pleased. Well one of them did anyway.

Lucas walked over to Riley.

Lucas's POV
I slowly strolled to Riley's bed. I sat beside her and looked into her eyes.

"Lucas?" She muttered
I nodded and smiled.
I placed my hand on her tummy gently.
"What. What are you doing?" Riley questioned.

Topenga POV
Lucas had gone over to Riley. I'm not too sure why, she didn't seem to member him much.
I was left with Corey. A confused, anxious, worried Corey.

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