And we lay there

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We spend the night at Miya's, we didn't realise the time. It was only 10.07 but me and Lucas stayed in bed. We had a lot to talk about. Not just be used of our fall out ur because we hadn't got long in London.
I felt sad that we were going home, I hadn't met Lucas's grandad nor had I seen and tourist attractions. Me and Lucas had planned to go on the London eye, but that didn't seem like it was going to happen anymore.
I was also happy to go back home. I hadn't seen my family in just under 2 weeks.
I kept thinking about what we were going o do when we it home.
Both me and Lucas fell asleep together. I doubt myself lay on top of him when I woke up. I cheated the clock it said 6.43 I expected it to be later than that. I rolled off of Lucas and looked up at the celling. For some strange reason I couldn't think of what we did last night. Did we just go straight to sleep? I was ablutions.
I turned on my side to face Lucas.
"Lucas" I whispered whists tickling his neck.
He opened his eyes and kissed my head. He placed his head on my boobs and we lay there.

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