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I'd been away with Lucas now for two days, it was only supposed to be a little date. he just gave me suprise after suprise and I think he might have had another little treat up his sleeve. 

I didn't know where we were going to.

was it his mum on the phone? Who else could it have been? 

We were silent the whole way.

we were twisting and turning round several curly corners, the place didn't look any different, just greenery, trees, bushes, more trees, and bushes passed my view. it looked as if we were going round in circles. 

the scenery never changed, from the first twist to the moment we stooped. I wanted to see what was going on so I was eager to get out the car. I was the first one out from the car out of myself and Lucas. I looked around. It looked no different from the inside of the car. greenery, This made me more eager to see what was going on, so the second Lucas had sorted his car out i grabbed his arm and dragged him in the directions of the signs. It took us around 9 minutes to get to our destination by foot and all we saw the whole walk down was more greenery. 

A lake, a massive lake was were we ended up in the end. An empty lake. No one was there. The only thing there was a little Lodgey type place, which was where Lucas wanted to go. 

inside the Lodge, was was all warm and cosey feeling, there were cookies on a little coffee table and a warm fire flickering away. 

there was a man at the counter and he looked quite old. 

"howdy, Barry." Lucas said whilste taking off his hat to only place it back onto his head. 

"Lucas my boy! how do you do? is this the chick you were talking about?" 

"This be her!" he nodded then continued "Riley this is Barry, Barry this is me girl Riley" 

the old man shook my hand whilst  welcoming me with a smiles "nice to meet you, never thought little Luc would ever get a good lookin' girl... you done yourself good me boy Lucas" 

Lucas smiled then put his arm round me. 

"so then guys and girlie, we gonna do some boating?" the man asked.

" that's why we came sir" Lucas said 

"Almighty then, just change into there's overalls and life jackets then we're ready to go" he handed Lucas mine and his overalls and myself and Lucas we into the toilets to get changed. 

The overalls looked horrific, dark blue overall with a large "blue waters" logo printed on the back. Not only did they look bad they smelt terrible! I waited until i was outside to put on my life jacket. didn't really like the thought of having it on. 

I walked out from the toilets and waited fro Lucas outside the men's. You know how girls are said to take longer than boys to get ready? well... this wasn't the case. I must have been waiting around 6 minutes for Lucas and it took me 4 for it took him about 10 minutes just to put an overall on top of his clothing I couldn't be mad at him though. 

Once he finaly finished getting into his overall he came out.

Holding his clothes. 

"Lucas. have you taken off your clothes?" i said in disgust. 

"yeah.. Why isn't that what your supposed to do?" 

"No!! your soooo silly Lucas!!" I said truthfully. 

he hid his clothes in the corner of the boys toilets, next to the bin, then grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. the older man was gearing up a gigantic swan shaped pedal boat. inside there were two wine glasses and a bit bottle of fizzy pop. The seats were a leathery material and the pedals well they were just pedals! 

"'ere you go. you paid £16.95 so that's 1 hour 45 minutes in the lake and also your'll get a pass into out lodge afternoon tea at 2.45. have fun the both of you" 

me and Lucas both looked at one another and grinned with excitement. 

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