imagine one

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Authors note : This is my first time writing not really expecting any reads, but thank you so much if you're here rn. The chapters are going to be very long so Hopefully you enjoy!!

You groan as the annoying sound of your alarm screeching wakes you up from your peaceful slumber. After lying in bed for a bit you slowly start to roll out of bed. You barely stand up before you make your way to the shower. You turn up the shower to malt lava as per usual and wash your hair. Once your skin was basically peeling off you decide to get out. " Right" you mumble " clothes" you say with a sigh. You decide on (picture below)

Your one of the very few punks at your school

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Your one of the very few punks at your school. Of course that doesn't make you very popular, but you enjoy all the attention that you get even if it is bullying, you don't care.

Your head tips back as you try to brush the knots out of your hair. You half give up and just put it in a sloppy bun, it completes your look though. You run down stairs and put some pop tarts in the toaster. Your little brother Dustin comes out of his room. " Hey Y/n" he says " oh can you put some in for me too?" He says with a grin gesturing to the pop tarts on the bench. " Sure" you chuckle. Once you had finished your breakfast you and Dustin say goodbye to your mum and head out the door. You both walk over to your truck, you drive a dodge, it's banged up sure, but it's one of your prized possessions. It smelled of weed and perfume. As you and Dustin jump in, he says something " hey can you pick me up today I have a hellfire club?" He says with a hint of desperation in his voice. " Yeah, yeah what ever" you sigh getting used to it now. " Thanks n/n" he exclaims before running out the car to his friends.

You chuckle at the boys excitement before heading out the car yourself. " Y/n!" You heard someone squeal, it was Robin. " ROBIN" you squeal back. You run into her already open arms. " I missed you y/n" she lets out sigh of relief before pulling out of your tight bear hug. " It's only been two days" you laugh. " Two days to long!" She claims. You hear the bell ring and go your seperate ways.

~ time skip to lunch~

You walk into the cafeteria and look for Robin. " There you are" you sigh to the girl standing Infront of you. " Y/n, I have to go band practice, so your gonna have to sit with someone else, sorry!!" She furrows her eyebrows, before she runs off. Robin doesn't usually have band practice at this time. You think to yourself but put on a smile before thinking where to sit. You hear your brother's voice echo around the cafeteria. Bingo.

You start heading over to his table and steal a glance at the club leader. You always thought he was attractive. Robin thought it was weird but you didn't care. You were so caught up in thought that you didn't even realise you were at the table. You put your tray down and swing your legs under the table. You could feel stares boring into you. " What are you doing here" one of the boys asked rudely. " Sitting and eating" he asked you replied. " I see that but what are you doing at this table, hellfire members only" he finishes " Dustin why is there a man child speaking to me like that" you say clearly annoyed. Dustin opened his mouth to speak but was instantly cut off by Eddie, your secret crush. " You know Dustin?" He asks very curiously. " He is my brother" you say your tone still a little annoyed.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now