Imagine six

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Authors note: I'm in a rainy mood rn so I decided to make this!! I would like to say thank you so much for all the reads!! Have a great day and enjoy!!!

The fresh smell of nature hit your nose as you opened the doors of the van up. You were in the back of Eddie's van smoking a blunt, it had just rained so it was absolutely perfect. You felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist as you were pulled into Eddie's lap. " Such a pretty day and I'm spending it with the prettiest girl" He said smoothly whilst stroking your hair. It was normal for Eddie to talk like that, you've been his best friend since forever and you absolutely loved each other.

You moved your self slightly so you were laying in his lap with his arms wrapped around your waist and his hands resting on the hem of your jeans. Everything was perfect, you had just hot boxed his van and now you were drinking in that perfect smell of Eddie and nature. You wish it could last forever but nothing does, right? You and Eddie both began drifting off to sleep slowly.

Your eyes slowly flutter open and adjust to the brightness. Your waist was dressed with Eddie's arms. You smiled to yourself. You tilt your head up slowly trying not to make any sudden moves and see Eddie's perfect face resting on his shoulder. He looked so pretty when he slept. You were his best friend and it felt wrong to think things like that, you've developed a little more then feelings for this man, you've fell face first for him. You were stuck in thought and didn't even notice Eddie's eyes had opened. Moving your head back into position you started playing with his hair, seeing as you were the only one who touch it.

Eddie groaned a bit and you immediately put your arm down. " No, keep going it feels good" Eddie groaned.
" How long have you been awake munson?" You ask a little embarrassed. " A while" He replied calmly. You get off his lap and slap him on the knee gently. " Kinky, I like it" He bit his lip and smirked at you. " Shut up!" You laughed at him. " Why don't you come here and give me a smooch, that'll make me" He wore that shit eating grin.
" Eddie munson!" You laughed. Everything was fun with Eddie, everything. He just made everything seem a little more colourful. ( Cringe Ik)

" So love what do you feel like doing?" He asks smirking.
" How about we go to mine?" You knew his answer. " YES!"
He semi yelled making you giggle. He lived going to your house, mainly because you have over about a hundred albums/cds. He climbed into the front and you followed closely behind. As he was climbing into the driver's seat all you could see was his ass, and I mean you weren't complaining, who would?? You buckled your belts up and out some music on. You chose one of your fav albums, smells like teen spirit by Nirvana. You crank up the volume and begin singing the lyrics. ( Just wanna say R.I.P
Kurt Cobain, legends never die)

Eddie laughed at you and you shot him a look. " What, Nirvana is fucking amazing." You smiled. " I know" He said back. You always enjoyed car rides with Eddie, it was something simple and he made it fun. You arrived at your house and you both jumped out the car. Rummaging through your pockets a bit you grab your key and unlock the door. It was strangely quiet, you walk to the kitchen to find a note. ' Me and your father went out to lunch, won't be back until tomorrow xox' You sigh, they were always out, ALWAYS. " Something wrong doll" Eddie walked over to you lovingly. " Nope, my parents are out so that means we're free to do anything really" You shrug. " Are you hitting on me y/n?" Eddie asks sarcastically.

You giggle a bit before throwing yourself on the couch. He layed down on top of you and sighed. " You'll squish me"
You laugh. " Huh, that's weird usually chairs don't speak" Eddie said. You got an idea, you lifted your arm up and jolted him in the side. He squealed and fell off the couch. You laughed uncontrollably, that squeak was the funniest, cutest sound you've ever heard. " HOW RUDE" Eddie got up and ran towards you. You screamed and ran away laughing like a mad man. He caught up and swooped you over his shoulder, fireman style. He ran to your room and dumped you on the bed. He hovered over you for a bit before tickling you. " Eddie s-stop" You said inbetween laughs. " Let that be a lesson to ya" He stood up, making air brush over you.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now