Imagine twelve ( part two )

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Authors note: sorry this took a while, I've been really busy lately and haven't had enough time to write. Anyways..... There may be some light smut in this, Idk really...... Hope you ENJOY! ( Thanks for all of the support.)

" Oh, hey sweetheart." Eddie said and closed the door behind him. " What are you doing here?" You asked him, already knowing the answer. " Skipping class..... And you?" He asked sitting down beside you. " Skipping also, I couldn't the bothered listening to that nonsense." You giggle and he smiles. " Come here often, Eddie?" You asked him. " Sure do doll face." He smirked and winked at you.
Ohhhhh, not now you don't, you don't get to make me feel weird and........ horny. You thought to yourself. " I-its peaceful here." You stutter. " Why're you stuttering?" He smirked. You rolled your eyes playfully and stood up, now leaning against the wall. Eddie stood up, inching closer to your face. " Oh c'mon, cat got your tongue?" He said very seductivly. " Oh, you wish" you smirked back at him...

~ Time skip ( a week later )~

Since that very day, you and Eddie have been non-stop flirting with each other, weather it's a wink while passing each other in the hallway, or a 'casual' comment. But today, eddie was determined to win this flirting battle with you. You walked into the cafeteria, looking for Eddie's table. " Hey y/n" Said a deep voice from behind you, you spun around to see Eddie, holding some flowers.
He passed them gently over to you and you were shocked, no one's ever given you flowers before, you were about to speak but Eddie spoke up. " C'mon let's get outta here." Eddie said smoothly and grabbed your hand, you were to stunned to speak.
" Thank you-" " don't talk, just listen." Eddie said dragging you over to his picnic bench in the woods. ( Not creepy at all.)

" I was so, so lucky to have found you y/n, that day, I felt something, a weird icky feeling," Eddie explained. " The type of feeling of butterflies in my stomach, or my face heating up." He went on. " Eddie- what are you trying to tell me?" You asked softly, wanting it to be that thing, but also kinda not wanting it to be. " I think I love you, y/n, and I-i don't wanna hide it anymore." He said looking deep into your eyes. You've never seen him like this, vulnerable. " Eddie- I think I love you too" You whisper into his ear... " You do?" He asked a little shocked. " I do Eddie, I always kinda had a small thing for you, but it grew and blossomed." You smiled. " Come here!" Eddie smiled and giggled that beautiful goofy giggle.

You smiled and straddled him, not in a sexual way though.
You arms draped over his neck, and his hands gently rested on your hips. " Can I kiss you?" He asked cautiously.
" Yes, Eddie, please." You whispered and he grinned, pressing his lips to yours. He was such a good kissed, he tasted so good.... His tongue glided across yours. You couldn't help it, a moan slipped from you. He pulled away slowly, a devilish grin plastered on his face. " What was that? A moan?" He smirked.." shut up and kiss me munson." You demanded and pulled him in by the collar..
Occasional moans and whimpers where exchanged between the both of you, throughout your blissful make out session. You pulled after what seemed like forever.
" Wasn't expecting you to be so..... Dominant." Eddie said wide eyed. " You've got a lot to learn about me munson." You smirked.

" Oh god don't tease me" Eddie's jaw clenched. You but your lip in return, you didn't want moan then and there ,the man was only talking. Eddie looked so pretty, his hair was gently blowing in the breeze, wafting his amazing scent that you. He smelt like pine wood, weed and cologne, it was so Eddie. " Hey princess?" He asked softly, not wanting to ruin the moment. " Yeah ed?" " Um, I was wondering, would you care to be my girlfriend?" He asked smiling. " Eddie?! I would love to!!" You said throwing your arms around his neck, pushing you guys both down into the bench. You both chuckled and brushed yourself off. You couldn't be bothered moving off him, and nor could he. You both layed there, with your arms around each other not wanting to let go, ever......

Authors note: Sorry for the short one, but I did warn you in my previous chapter!! Thank you all for the support and encouragement! I'll be doing the Eddie's pov one next, with a tiny bit of y/n's pov Kay? PLEASE Let me know if you want a small of long chapter next! It'll really help me!! Okay! Thank you all for the votes, comments and all of the reads! Have a great day. N

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