Imagine 10!!!

548 11 3

TW : may include family issues/problems/ abuse.This story may be a little sad, that's why it will have like, three parts when it's done.

" ugghhh they better be nice" You mumbled seeing the on sale sign next door. You hauled the trash bag into the bin out side and went back to your room. You slunk back into your seat, sighing. " Fuck! Why do I have to homework on break!" You said frustrated with yourself and Hawkin's high. Hawkins was a FUCKING nightmare. You didn't actually like anyone except for Dustin Henderson. He was nice to you, although you guys didn't hang out much. You always sat by yourself, listening to music and drawing. You didn't like all the commotion of the cafeteria so you just sat in a old room by the janitors closet.

" Y/N! Sweetie! You need to wake up now!! You slept through your alarm again!" Your mother said walking you up. " Thanks mum" You grumbled getting up and dressed. You chose             ( any hair colour, sorry it's a screenshot!)

Walking out to the kitchen and grabbing a couple of eggos you head out to your car

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Walking out to the kitchen and grabbing a couple of eggos you head out to your car. " Bye mum!" You yell closing the door. You had to leave a little early, the trip wasn't exactly short, but it was decent. Driving off cranking hallowed by thy name. Like all of the windows down cranking.

( Side note!! I went for a ride in a Infiniti and I almost died! Not literally  I just need a car like that!!! It went fucking 0 to 60 in 1 fucking second!!! For all the car people out there (me) that is one fucking nice luxury car right there)

You were head banging and eating eggos, you probably looked fucking nuts. " OoOOo look at me getting attention" You said in a weird accent twirling your hair. " What the fuck y/n?" You laughed to yourself. You pulled into the Hawkins car park not bothering to turn your music down.
Getting out for your car not forgetting to grab your devil's lettuce you walk to the doors. The bell rang and you ran to class, quite literally ran to class. You really,rally did not want to fail In class, your dad would fucking kill you..
You sat down and the teacher scowled at you. What?! I'm not late to class. Obviously me just existing pissed her off.
The teachers hated you, absolutely did. You even had a rude letter sent to you from a teacher saying you were satanic and worshiped the devil because you listen to metal.

You didn't only listen to metal, you liked Kate Bush, blondie, the kinks, the clash, queen. Weird combo right?
" Alright class! We have a new student! Eddie munson. Mr. Munson would you like to tell us about yourself!" The teacher huffed. " Sure! Umm... I play electric guitar, my favourite genre of music is metal, I'm really into piercings and tattoos. And yeah I'm new here in Hawkin's!" The curly haired boy exclaimed. You smiled, someone was like you. You were covered in piercings, and tattoos. " Right Eddie, not the best start to Hawkin's. But why don't you take a seat next to y/n" The teacher shot you a look and Eddie frowned. " Bitch" He mumbled walking over to you. It was louder than he expected, you heard it and you weren't supposed to. You giggled as he sat down next to you. He gave you the eyebrows as if to ask ' what?' " Don't worry she gets worse" You smile. " You heard that? He asked a little embarrassed. " Dude, I think half the class heard that" You laughed. " Something funny? Y/n," The teacher raised her voice.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now