Imagine twelve

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TW: pedophilia, sexual assault, mentions of r@pe. Authors note: Seems a lot of you took a liking to imagine 011!! Thank you for the votes and reads on my story! this one will be the Dustin's sister one, then it will be another Eddie's pov one, Kay? Cool, ENJOY!

" Dustin, c'mon dude!" You yelled walking out the front door. " Coming Y/n!!" He yelled, skidding around the corner stumbling out the door to meet you. " Okay, got everything?" You asked while you were buckling your seatbelt. " Check." Dustin said putting his seatbelt on and you sped off. You and Dustin made small talk about Suzie, and how you don't have a boyfriend. " Dusty, see I don't need a boyfriend, nor do I want one." You said and you saw him frown. That wasn't entirely true, you had your eyes for someone at school, but he didn't need to know that. " Okayyy whatever you say sis" He said smiling again as he saw mike waiting for him. " Right get out." You say playfully and he goes to meet up with Mike.

" Y/N!!!" Someone yelled your name. You spun around to see robin, and your face lit up instantly. " BUCKLEY!" You yelled back, running over to her. " Babes I missed you." Robin said pulling you into a quick hug. " Same here." You smile. Rinnggg Rinnggg. " Fuck, well, school time, Yay." Robin said sarcastically. You laughed and walked through the school doors. Both you and Robin ended up talking about random shit waking to class. You sat down at the front of the class, looking forward at the creepy teacher.
The teacher had been done from several charges of pedophilia, but Hawkin's high just won't fucking fire him.
He passed out tests to everyone, not forgetting to look down all of the girls shirts. " Right, y/n I'm going to need to see you after class." The teacher grunted as you were almost done the test, and the bell was about to ring.

The students piled out of the class, as soon as they bell rang. You stayed in your seat, dreading talking to that fucking pig. " Right y/n, you grades are pretty good, but as you already know you got a d, I can change that, for a small price." The teacher said locking the door. You gulped, prepare yourself y/n, he touches you, fucking kill him. He walked over to you," I just love seeing those perfect tits of yours y/n." The teacher said.. " I need to leave." You said nervously, getting up. " No, no your not going anywhere." He smirked, grabbing you into him.
" Let the fuck go, I'm not gonna say I don't wanna hurt you , 'cause I do. But that's illegal. " You Said Thinking about the charges you'll get. " You can't hurt me y/n, I'm bigger and better than you." He whispered into your ear.
" Welp, looks like you gonna have to learn a lesson." You Said and jabbed your knee into his groin, earning a Yelp of pain from the pig.  Just then you heard the door go someone was trying to open it. You ran over and unlocked it, opening the door to see Eddie munson.

" Is everything okay? I heard yelling and thought you were in danger." Eddie said very concerned. " Well uh.." you struggled for words, his eyes fell from you, to the perv that was now rolling around on the floor with tears in his eyes. " What happened princess?" He said genuinely, he was prepared to help you and listen to you. " He-he tried to r-rape me." You said, your voice shook with realisation of what could of happened to you, what would've happened to you. " Oh-oh my god. Y/n, I'm so, so sorry." He said rubbing your back with his thumb, your bottom lip quivered and you erupted into tears. " Okay, do you feel safe waiting out here for a bit?" Eddie asked and you nodded, it wasn't entirely true but you needed to co-operate with him. " okay, thank you sweetheart, I'll only be gone for a minute okay?" He said and slowly left your side, going into the room with the teacher. He locked behind him, " Try to touch y/n like that huh, you fucking pig." You heard a muffled voice yell, followed by several yelps and whimpers.

Eddie came out, his chest was rising up and down violently, his hands were covered in blood, so much it was dripping off of his hands and chunky rings. " Eddie, we need to leave." You said cautiously, not wanting Eddie to get slammed in a jail cell for the night. " Okay, but what about little Henderson?" He said and you knew what to do. You ran to the office, " hey, can you tell Dustin Henderson I wont be there to pick him up? Thanks" You said rushing out the door back to eddie. Your hands were trembling, and your cheeks were still damp and stingy.
" How about we head back to mine? Your not in the right space to drive." Eddie said and you were a little frightened, you knew Eddie wouldn't try to make any risky moves on you but, after the events of today, your trust was a little thrown off. " O-okay, your not gonna hurt me right Eddie?" You asked uncomfortably. " No-no! I would never hurt you y/n. I'm sorry if I give off that kind of vibe." Eddie said, murmuring the last part. " I trust you Eddie, but after the events of today, I don't know if I'll be able to fully trust a man again." You said, looking down at your feet. " It's okay sweetheart, baby steps okay?" He smiled, man his smile was contagious.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now