Imagine 13 ( MOSTLY Eddies pov

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Authors note: Sooo... As it says in the title, this will be mostly Eddie's pov. I just need y/n's pov to introduce her, otherwise the story probably won't work. I may even include a couple more of y/n's pov, just to make the story work. Bcuz you guys probably don't want a shit story! Anyways... Hope you ENJOY! ( I love the idea of this imagine so much!!!) ( Smut warning, it gets very spicy slapping kinks, choking kinks, handcuff kinks;) I suggest reading this listening to 'me and your mama' or 'super freaky girl luxurious'

                                     ~ Y/n's pov ~

                                  ~ Introduction ~

You were known as the unbothered kid at school. You were always kind of quiet and secretive, you didn't like causing big scenes or being centre of attention. That was of course, just your school life... Outside of school You were the most successful, prettiest...... Stripper Hawkins and ever seen.
None of the kids at Hawkin's were old enough to ever know your a stripper, seeing as they can't enter any of the clubs. But... There dad's definitely know you, most of them know your body like the back of there hand..... You didn't really like all of the creepy men, but, you were protected by security so you knew they wouldn't try any funny stuff..... Other than that you loved your job to bits an pieces, and man did it pay off being the prettiest stripper of them all, you earned an unbelievable amount of money.

Your home life was okay, you didn't know your dad and your mum was working most of the time. But that was okay, because of the hours she worked she never knew you were a stripper!! Haha! Anyways... That's the end of y/n's short introduction, Eddie's pov time!

                                    ~ Eddie's pov ~

It was a normal shitty day, at my shitty old highschool. Being harassed by jocks and cheerleaders, and being picked on by teachers. There's only one good thing about this school, her. Yes, I'll admit, I Eddie munson have a giant crush on my classmate. She is perfect in every way, and she barely knows I'm even there. I've only talked to her a couple of times, on which she made me blush immensely. I basically jumped out of my seat once I heard the bell, break time finally. I pushed my way through all of the other teenagers filling the endless halls. I power walked to the cafeteria and grabbed my  tray of lunch, well slop really.  " Hey man!" Dustin said with a grin as i approached the hellfire table. " Hey dude, how are ya?" I smiled setting down my tray and sitting down.

" I'm good, I've been asked to help with some senior classes." Dustin said, he was like, the fucking smartest kid in the galaxy. " Oh, that's good, enjoying it?" I asked looking at the other boys who seemed weirdly quiet. " Not really, I saw some couple french kissing at the back of the classroom." He shuddered as speck of disgust flickered in his eyes. I laughed and shook my head. " You all seem weirdly quiet..... Whats going on?" I questioned.
" Well we know you have a thing for * hushes voice* y/n, and we heard a rumour about her." Gareth said gulping and turning a bit red. " Go on, what is it?" I spat angrily.
" Apparently she's a...... Uh- umm.... * Whispers*stripper" He said not daring to look at me. I smirked a little, looking over at her, she was sitting down with her friends, not looking very interested in the topic they were taking about..
Damn she would look good in a skimpy little outfit. I thought to myself.

" Well, I don't care if she is one or not, it's her choice not mine." I said simply. I looked back over at y/n who was currently- walking towards me? I fixed my jacket and hair frantically. " Hey Eddie?" She said and I admired her beautiful features. " Y-yes" I cleared my throat as the boys snickered. " Umm, I was gonna ask when your next d&d campaign is?" She said and I was a little baffled. " Your not gonna trick me right?" I say cautiously. " No! I'm not like those fuckin idiot jocks over there." She laughed. My eyes widened, I've never heard her swear before, but fuck  did it sound good coming out of her mouth. " Yeah" I laughed airly.  " It'll be next Friday, 4:30 at the room beside the hall." I say smiling brightly. " Oh wow! I'm not creepy or anything, I'm just doing a section on how d&d doesn't actually make you a satanist. And I'll let you in on a secret, I'm doing it for you." She said smirking.

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