Imagine Nine ( part two)

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Authors note: You'll either like it or not. Hopefully you do though. I chose mum vibes for y/n because a lot of females have that bond with babies, but some people hate them sooo...... TW: There may be family issues and or mentions of abuse. If I haven't covered all of the warnings tell me!! Thanks for reading, ENJOY!!!

" Course Eddie, I'll stay for a while" You smile and his face lights up. " Awesome!" He says triumphantly. " We still ok for tomorrow?" You ask. " Only if it's okay with you of course!" He says and you nod. You and Eddie muck around, doing karaoke, eating junk food, watching half of a boring movie, basically everything. Eddie showed off his guitar skills. You stared in awe. Every moment you spent with Eddie was a moment to be cherished. You had so much fun with him, he was like your medicine, making you feel better. " Thank you so much Eddie, I uh had a great time with you" You smile at him. " So did I princess, and your in welcome here anytime" He smiled back and you waved him good bye. Driving home you could only think one thing. Am I crushing on him??!! Your feelings were all over the place, so you didn't know.

" Hey Chrissy!! I'm home now!!!" You call out to her. She came running down stairs with a bruised cheek... " Chris!
Are you okay?!" You ask frantically. " I'm fine, it was just Jason came over and ummm he hit me" She said sheepishly looking at the ground. " IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM!" You screamed, you could feel your blood boil. " No! Y/n, wait until tomorrow please. You can do what ever you want, just not now" She pleaded and you couldn't say no to that face. " Fine" You said gritting your teeth. " Have you eaten?" You ask and she shakes her head no. " Right, I'll cook you some pasta then shall I?" You say trying to be serious but accidentally slip in a smile. " Thanks y/n/n" She said softly. " Of course Chris" You smile. You start cooking her dinner and think about what Jason did. Could i have stopped him? I can't get my feelings in the way again, stop being such a fucking pussy and toughen up. You thought to yourself. Turns out you were actually gripping onto your wooden spoon so hard it snapped.

" Oh shit!!" You yelled. " Everything okay?" Chrissy asked. You could see she tried to cover her bruise up, or maybe she was in the middle of doing so. " Yeah, just broke the spoon" You sighed and chuckled a little. You plated up her pasta and call out to her. " Chrissy! Dinner sweetheart!!" You smile as she rushed around the corner. " Yay! Thanks y/n" She smiled sitting on the couch, digging into her meal. You sit down with her. " I'm gonna roll a joint for you tonight, so I'll be upstairs if you need me, if mum comes home, run" You say sternly. She nodded slowly eating her pasta.

~ Time skip ( morning) ~

You were pacing around your living room. Thinking about how you were going to kill Jason. " Y/n! Can you drop me off now?!" Chrissy said finishing her makeup.
" Sure!". You say as she rushes out the car. You trail behind her. The journey was quiet, tense, you were gripping the steering wheel so hard you were surprised you knuckles didn't pop out of place. Once you arrived at Hawkin's, Jason was already waiting for you. " Here comes the whore" Jason and his mates were singing. You waited no time basically sprinting over to him. You were surrounded by the whole school like th WHOLE school..
You threw a punch, not caring about words, not caring about anything but fucking him up. He then swung at you, splitting your lip open. " Mother fucker" You hissed wiping the blood off your lip and swinging hard at him, hard enough to knock him out. Thank god you didn't, you weren't done with him yet.

He got back up ,swinging at you again, it was a slow punch so you caught it, testing his arm around. He let out a help of pain. You held him that position." First off, Chrissy didn't cheat on you, so you got your ass kicked for nothing, second lay a fucking finger on her again, and FUCK! You'll be lucky if you aren't at the bottom of the sea." You say very sternly. He nods. " Oh, and, also don't grass up on me, or I will kick your ass again" You smirk as he nods. " Sorry Chrissy, I know you love him but, he hurt you" You mumble. " I know, I know he hurt me, and your just trying to be a good sister, I understand" She said and you hugged her tightly. Rinnggg Rinnggg. The bell rang. " I gotta go, love you!" She said walking backwards. " Love you too" You say blowing her a kiss, she catches it. You laugh to yourself a little.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now