Imagine 011

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Authors note: I'll be basing this one on new kid at school... I know I do a lot of imagine based off that,but it's a great way of introducing the characters to each other. I know it seems kind of silly me doing imagine based off a tall women, but it won't be like the movie 'tall girl'. I'm just doing this one because I'm a VERY tall women, and when I was a child I was bullied because I was tall, apparently it made me 'ugly' and 'bulky' So that why I'm doing this one, if you don't like the idea, skip ahead, if you can't, then just don't read it. .. ENJOY..

It was your first day at Hawkin's high today, and you were currently picking out a cute outfit from your closet. Eventually you just chose a black skirt with black stockings underneath, a white button up shirt, and some light jewelry. You grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder, making your way to the front door. " Bye mum!" You called out to your mum. " Bye y/n, have a great day!" She hollered back out from the kitchen. You chose to walk to school today, you have a car but, walking calms the nerves a little more. You knew a couple of people from Hawkins high, such as... Dustin Henderson, mike wheeler, Chrissy Cunningham and unfortunately.... Jason Carver. Dustin and told you about this guy, Eddie munson. He also showed you a couple of pictures too. You weren't gonna lie to yourself, he was pretty fucking hot, but no one needed to know that.

Whilst walking to Hawkin's, a car pulled up beside you. Honestly this freaked you the fuck out, but you just thought you were paranoid. " Damn baby nice legs!" Someone called out from the car, you just scoffed and ignored it. " Bet they would look better wrapped around my waist!" He called out again. You whipped your head around and scowled at him. " The fuck is wrong with you? It's literally my first week in Hawkin's and your already wanting in my pants?" You called out, already disgusted by the men in Hawkin's, or in this case,  the insecure little boys. The fucker just laughed and sped off, leaving you with a glare plastered on your face. It wasn't to hard getting from your house to Hawkin's, considering your an extremely fast walker. You liked going out on little walks, and you like to think of scenarios whilst walking. Right now you were thinking of that guy, Eddie munson. He was the kids dungeon master for d&d, and man did 'dungeon master' leave you with some dirty thoughts.

You arrived at hawkins and sighed. " Fuck this day is gonna be long" You whisper to yourself while making your way through the crowded car park. " Y/n!!" You heard a oh so familiar voice and it immediately put a smile on your face. " Hey Dustin!" You turn around to see his beautiful cheeky smile. All of a sudden he wrapped his arms around you, you smile and hug him back. " I'll come and introduce you to the guys!" He smiled and led you over to a group of guys wearing the same t-shirt. " Hey guys, this is Y/n, the girl I was telling you about." Dustin said cheerfully. The boys just kind of grumbled in response, and stood really awkwardly. " So y/n, This is Donny, Jeff, Gareth, Eddie and you already know mike." Dustin said switching his gaze between you and the awkward bunch. " Nice to meet you all!" You said brushing off all of the weird looks you were getting.

The bell rang and all of the tired looking students trudged to their classes. " Oh okay, see ya y/n! Do you know where to go?" Dustin asked and you nodded. All of the boys left but one. " Hey princess, I'm Eddie" The guy said. " Hey Eddie, I'm uh y/n" You said already knowing he knew your name. You were feeling a little nervous, the guy looked even more attractive up close, and princess? Wow, you could get used to that. " Want me to walk you to class?" He offered. " That'll be great! But I don't want to make you late for your class" You said unsure what class he's in. " Oh, no it's fine. I couldn't give two fucks about school anyway." He chuckled, wow his laugh was even attractive.
You smiled. " Then I'll be honoured if you'll walk me to class, I'm in Mr Freeman's." You said blushing a little.  " Right his way m'lady" He smiled widely and offered his hand to you. " Thank you kind sir" You smiled taking his hand.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now