Imagine Eight ( part two)

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Authors note: Submissive Eddie, and a lot of fucking smut all I got to say.

After a while of walking, he led you to a old picnic table in the woods. It was nice there, the sun shine upon it in a way  it made it look new again. He sat you down next to him. " So spill" He said rubbing his hands together. You knew what he meant so you took a deep breath. " Well thank god he didn't know what actually happened last night." You said and he blushed. " It's not as juicy as you think, he just caught me having a bong last night because I couldn't sleep" You giggle a bit. " I wonder why you couldn't sleep" His signature mirk twisted on his face.
You barely heard what he had said, your mind and eyes were focused on his hands. Damn, you've never seen hands as hot as those. " Princess? Princess you with me?" He chuckled and you snapped out of your trance.

" Yep, uh sort of- sorry" You splutter. He grins at you.
" What ever were you looking at" He says sarcastically. You shake your hard and laugh a little bit. He brings his hand up squeezing into a fist making the veins more prominent. You couldn't lie, you were a SLUT for veiny hands... " Rings too?" You said and swore your mouth was actually watering. He nods his head and you smile. It was weird to think that you two were doing this and after school he was going to inches deep inside your stomach.
" Are you uh- thinking of what's gonna happen after school?" You piped up not daring to look at him.
" Sweetheart that's all I can think about." He said lifting your chin up so you were looking at him, BUTTERFLIES.
" horny much" You joked. " Always" He said proudly. You couldn't help but be a little turned on. Well, more than a little, you just didn't want to get too wet, you were only taking to the guy.

Rrriinnngg rrriinnngg.  The bell went off signalling another class. You were about to get up but we're quickly spun around by Eddie. He was gripping your wrist gently looking at you with puppy dog eyes. You just melted, quite literally, you literally sat down on him without even noticing. He shifted to around so you were on his lap properly, with his arms wrapped around your waist.
" Thanks for staying" He said breathing into the scent of your hair. BUTTERFLIES. Again your stomach erupted with butterflies. " Your welcome Ed's" You said softly.
" Eds?" He asked. " Oh sorry, it's just kinda slipped out" You chuckle. " No, no, it's fine I like it" He says sweetly.
" Well then I never call you it again." You smile like a dickhead.               ( ~Heart stopper reference there)

                    ~ Time skip ( leaving school) ~
Walking around frantically searching for your brother. You just wanted Eddie, badly. After seeing a wave of jocks you finally see your brother in there.  " OI DICKHEAD! NEED A RIDE?" You yelled out to him. He shook his head and pulled the finger at you, in a friendly matter, you returned. You practically sprinted to your house. You had given Eddie the details, so he would be over your house soon, but not straight away. That have you time to get ready, putting on your sexiest lingerie, and cleaning up.
( Cleaning up with actual clothes on.) After a bit of fidgeting, getting everything perfect, you heard a knock. You wasted no time, rushing to the door and opening it. There stood Eddie, eyeing you up. " Hey sweetheart, ohhhh for me?" He asked looking at your lingerie. You nodded and with that he swooped you up, placing several kisses on your face. He knew where your room was, seeing as he would look into some nights.

He sat you guys down on the bed. " Who's first?" He asked.
" You sweetheart." You said. You grab some fluffy handcuffs and his face lights up. " Oh you kinky girl" He said biting his bottom lip. You winked at him and he blushed slightly, trying to hide it from you. You pushed him up the bed, and took his shirt off. locking on the handcuffs. " Test it out first, I can't have you escaping now can I?" You smiled. He wriggled, and shook, and wiggled but the handcuffs wouldn't budge. You then start kissing him, slowly moving your way for his plump lips to his neck.  " Oh fuck" Eddie moaned out. You had found his sweet spot.  " You like that?" You ask him roughly. He nodded and moaned. " Words pretty boy" You hissed.
" Yes, yes fuck yes" He moaned out.

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