Imagine 10 ( part two )

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Authors note: this chapter may be a little small, but the next chapter might make up for it?? OKAY, OKAY. I have EVERYTHING planned out for my next chapters, so the next chapter of this story imagine will be the last, then I'm doing another one for all my tall girls out there!! Then I'm doing another one where your Dustin's sister!! Hope you enjoy!!
TW: mentions of sadness/depression.

You were putting on your best outfit, you were going out to a party with Eddie, then you were going to have a smoke with him. He had everything planned out, it was adorable the way he would get so excited talking about it.
You didn't wear much makeup, maybe some eyeliner and mascara, but that's it really. You decided to put some lipgloss on too, you wanted to feel pretty for Eddie. You heard a knock on the door and you ran down stairs knowing who it was. " Hey sweetheart- woah! You look incredible!" "Your my pretty girl, y/n." Eddie said pulling you in for a kiss. You smiled into the kiss, he the nicest guy you've ever, ever met. " You look very handsome too Eddie as allwaaays" You giggle. " Thank you princess, ready to go love?" He asked. You were a little shocked, he's never called you love before, it sounded so good when he said it.

" Ready as I'll ever be baby" You smiled taking his hand, he blushed a little. You skipped to his van, not caring about anything else but spending time with your amazing, loving, caring boyfriend. You were invited to Jason's party, he still somehow thinks he can ' get with you.' He is such a fucking asshole, and he doesn't deserve Chrissy, no one in Hawkin's does. ( Of course Dustin would but she is a lot older than him, and he has a girlfriend.) It was around 7:30-ish, so it wasn't to dark but Hawkin's was still creepy.
While Eddie was driving, his hand found its way to your thigh. You fiddled with his rings, twisting them. You still had Eddie's ring on of course, you swore not to take it off ever. " Having fun there princess?" Eddie smiled and chuckled a little. " Mhmm" You squeaked, nodding your head. He rubbed your thigh slightly, sending shivers down your spine. You and Eddie had done the deed before, and he was fucking amazing.

But even him slightly making contact with your heat, would send you over the edge. Even now he wasn't even touching around there and you found yourself squeezing your legs together. " We're heeree princess" Eddie jeered.
You arrived at this big, fancy house thing. You took a deep breath and unbuckled your belt clumsily. You hated being in crowded or noisy places, but somehow you liked parties, once you start to loosen up a little. You stepped in side and Chrissy greeted you. " Hey Y/n! You look amazing, I love your outfit!" Chrissy said and you smiled. " Oh hey Eddie! See you two are still together!" She smiled and Eddie nodded. " Wouldn't lose her for the world" He smiled and made heart eyes at you. " You guys are so cute! How bout I show you guys around" Chrissy said and you nodded. " I'm actually just gonna catch up with Dustin real quick, for the campaign. Is that okay with you sweetheart?" Eddie asked and you couldn't say no. " Of course! Go have fun Eddie!" You smiled and he pulled you in by the waist kissing you deeply.

" See ya princess" Eddie said blowing you a kiss. " Sweetheart?! Princess?! If only Jason was as polite as Eddie" Chrissy sighed a little. " I'm so lucky to have him"
You whisper to yourself.

~ Time skip ( playing a drinking game ) ~

" Who dares to challenge the champion?" Jason said very cocky. " I do!" You yell stepping up to him, grabbing a beer can off the table beside you. " Three.. two.. one CHUG!" somebody yelled. You started chugging the can of beer, which you finished in seconds. You scrunched it up and threw it on the floor, leaving Jason flabbergasted.
You laughed and cheered with chrissy, walking away, looking for Eddie.
You found him in nearby room. He was chugging a beer, he finished it and held his arms up cheering with his mates, you smile about to walk up to him. But some girl ran up to him and kissed him. You stopped in your tracks, completely shocked onto what was happening, he didn't pull away for a while either. Was he cheating on me this whole time? You thought to yourself. You eyes began to feel puffy, and your throat swelled up.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now