Imagine four ( part Two)

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Authors note: Thanks for the reads!! If you want me to do a chapter with just Eddie's pov please tell me because I would absolutely love to, but it's what the readers want not me. Also if you want me to do a chapter just about you with Eddie let me know in the comments. ( I will need to know stuff like.. Eye colour, hair colour, gender, height, special talents, and just stuff like that!! Enjoy!!!

You try to hide your blush but Eddie catches you off guard . " Aww did I make y/n blush?" He says in a baby voice. You just scoff and load your plate up with pancakes.
You sit down at the table and start making small talk with Eddie. " Soo I was thinking, today we'll go down to the mechanics garage and get your van fixed. Orr I could fix it myself it might just take longer." You say whilst cutting up your food. " Um, well if we take it down to the mechanics it'll get done quicker, but it'll be expensive. And if you fix it then I'll feel bad about not helping you, and also, do you have spare tires anyway??" The boy asks taking long-ish pause inbetween sentences.

" Oh shit, umm well. One, no I don't have spare tires. Two I know a mechanic so there will be no money involved with the fixing of your van. And three when we do send it down to the mechanics we can avoid Dustin when he comes back and go on a picnic!" You smile at the thought.
" Oh my god, a picnic with y/n I will gladly take the offer up." He smiles widely and you just laugh. Rinng Rinng. The phone was ringing. " Probably Dustin" you mutter standing up and picking up the phone. " Hello y/n speaking" you say in your innocent phone voice. " Eww y/n that's your phone voice" A very familiar voice says.
" Shut up, anyways what do you want" you hiss at Dustin. " Well can I stay another night at Mike's? He questions quite quickly.

Side note: I forgot Dustin's mum existed so let's just leave her out!!

" As long as you go to school tomorrow and be safe *sigh* yes" you say. " OMG THANKS Y/N YOUR AMAZING!!" The excited boy screams into the phone. You hang up and sit back down with Eddie. " Soo what was that all about?" He asks. " Well exciting news, we don't have to worry about Dustin, Soo our picnic is officially on!" You chuckle. You both laugh and joke while eating breakfast. Am I gaining feelings for him? You question yourself. Your check the time. " Soo I'm gonna prepare the food, while you call Steve and ask him to tow your van" you say casually while giving him a little note pad with Steve's number on it.

You start cutting up fruit while you hear the conversation that Steve and Eddie are having over the phone. Does he even like fruit? Well it's my favourite food so fuck it. You think to your self putting the fruit into a little beat container. You then move onto drinks. You grab about five bottled waters and put them in the picnic basket as well as the fruit. What else? You think. " Sandwiches" you make your way ton the fridge and cupboard. You also some bread on chopping board and fill it up with lettuce,cheese,ham,mayo, garlic cloves and some parsley.

You repeat that a couple of times and chop them up before putting them in a bread wrap. " Right, Steve will be over in a bit." Eddie Huffs. " Alright, what else do you want in the picnic?" You look him in the eyes. " Umm well, what do you have in there already y/n" he leans back on his heels a bit. " We have sandwiches, water, and fruit" you sigh. " Umm what about some sweet stuff" he shrugs about not knowing what to say. " Umm hang in a look in the cupboard real quick." You say checking it. " A HAH" you exclaim holding a bag of skittles and throwing them into the picnic basket. " Well we are all set" Eddie smiles.

HONK HONK! You hear Steve honking. You grab the picnic basket and run outside. Once you get everything sorted with the towing stuff you climb into Steve's car.
" So where are we heading!" Steve says and rubs his hands together. " Ash's workshop!" You exclaim. He revs the engine and hoons off. " Ohh what you got there" Steve asks weirdly. " Me and Eddie are going on a picnic" you chuckle. " So a date?" Steve raise his eyebrows. You look over to Eddie and he's shifting around nervously and looking at his hands. " Nope not a date, just two friends hanging out" You say awkwardly. " Yep" Eddie confirms. Damn I wish it was a date. You think as you start playing with rings.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now