Imagine Eight

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Authors note: I'm probably not gonna do the depressed one, I just don't have the whole story line figured out for that one so I'm doing this one. Other writers might have done something similar to this but I'm doing it in my own style so please don't come at me if you've read something like this!! ENJOY!!! Straight in with smut!( IMPORTANT! Eddie lives in a house!!)

Stepping out of the shower your skin cringed at the feeling of cold air. Grabbing your towel and wrapping it around yourself you head to your room to get changed. Closing the door and locking it. You sigh while trying to find a bra that actually fits you properly. Once you do, you grab a pair of bed shorts and walk over to your dresser and grab some deodorant.
As you do so you catch a glimpse of a figure in the window beside you. Getting closer to get a better look a man comes into view. He had only a towel wrapped around his waist, revealing his toned stomach.
You couldn't help but gawk at him, he was fucking beautiful, hot and cute at the same time.

After a while of him mucking around he spotted you staring. He eyed you up and down carefully. You quickly looked away but looked back again, craving him. He licked his lips and winked at you. You smiled and blushed. He then slips the towel off his waist slowly revealing his huge dick. Your eyes widened and mouth parted. He smiled to himself, meanwhile you couldn't bring yourself to look away. His long curly hair stuck to the remaining droplets of water in his shoulders. He honestly looked incredible, like he'd been placed there by a fucking angel. Slowly you repeat his move and slide your towel off, throwing it on the bedroom floor. He bites his lip hard and you see his dick start to spring up. Your bed was facing out the window so slowly you back up and lye on it.

Spreading your legs his cheeks grow redder and erection grow bigger. You slide your fingers slowly down to your heat. He gets the memo and starts stroking his cock. You start off by rubbing your clit. You let out a soft moan and grind your hips into your hand. Slowly you slip a couple of fingers while looking at the man. He starts stroking faster, still biting down  hard on his lip. Going faster and faster letting the euphoric feeling take over your body. The knot in your stomach tightened, signalling you were about cum. Legs shaking and all you squirted at the same time he came. You brought your fingers up to your mouth and put them in your mouth, sucking the cum off.

He does the same, but there was too much cum so he went out of frame. Probably washing his hands, I could've done a much better job cleaning up with my mouth. You thought to yourself, honestly it was crazy how bad you wanted his dick in your mouth, or even just a droplet of his cum.
He came back into view and slowly slid his boxers on. You slid your skimpy shorts on and a bra that showed a lot of top boob. He mouthed something, ' Good girl. ' You couldn't actually came at those words, he was to fucking hot for this planet. You brought your arms up to your chest, squeezing your breasts together. '  for me? ' He mouthed again. You nod your head and he smiles, shaking his head. He blew you kiss and with that's he shut his curtains. You were trying to wrap your head around what just happened. Like what the fuck? You just came to the image of some stranger. But fuck he was a hot stranger.

Climbing into bed slowly, your heat hurt a little. But still you smile to yourself knowing what caused it. Hours and hours of tossing and turning you couldn't sleep. When you did close your eyes all that could be seen was him. This  wasn't something you could just brush off and forget about, this was big. Just like his dic-  okay, that's enough thinking for tonight then. Closing your eyes you manage to catch some z's.

" Y/N!! WAKE THE FUCK UP!! WE ARE GONNA BE LATE ASSHOLE!!" Your annoying son of a bitch brother yelled out. " THEN WALK FUCK HEAD!!" You yelled back. " Fuck! You know what fine" You heard your brother walk away mumbling several curse words on his way down stairs. You never really did like your brother, he was apart of that group with Jason Carver and shit. You hated that  group, well everyone apart from Chrissy. She had been your best friend since forever, the jock group didn't mind you, but they didn't like you either. So that's why Chrissy is more of a home friend then school friend. Grumbling for a bit you managed to get up, get dressed, have breakfast and get in the car. You knew very well you were late, but you didn't care, your grades were incredible so no harm in being late.

Huffing slightly as you walk into class, you were centre of attention. " Ah, miss y/l/n nice of you to finally join us" He scowled at you. You gave weird fake upside down smile.
It just looked like you were angry really. Sitting down next to some jock you sigh zoning out completely. " Y/n? Y/n, come answer this question please" The teacher said snapping you out of a rude daydream about mystery man.
He smirked as you got up. You read the question hummed for a little bit and then answered it. " Well, um, well, yes it's right" The teacher sighed and rolled his eyes. Fucking prick. Really think I couldn't answer that? Useless bitch. You thought it yourself whilst taking a seat. Classes and classes go by, each as boring as the last.Rrriinnngg rrriinnngg.  The bell went for lunch.

FINALLY. Students rushed out of the small overcrowded room. Including you, you managed to sink into the crowd and let the people take you into the cafeteria. You put  on your head phones and play some music. Iron maiden the trooper to be exact. ( I picked the trooper again because it is one of my favourites songs and needs to be appreciated more. ) Head banging lightly, walking over to your usual table you sit and pull out a note pad from your pocket. You begin writing things down, all of the spicy details of last night to be exact.

                                   ~ Eddie's pov ~
I could barely sit still, all I was thinking about was last night. That girl, she was beautiful, how could I have never seen her before. " You alright man?" Little Henderson asked making me jolt slightly. " Yeah I'm good. Just thinking that's all." I smiled at Dustin reassuring him. Thats when I saw her. It was her it really was. HOLY SHIT.
" Hey guys I'll be back Kay" I say leaving the table waking over to her. She was wearing head phones and listening to something. I got right behind her and could hear electric guitar, it was beautiful. Not the kind of music I would expect her to listen to. I slowly pulled them off and She whipped her head around frowning. Her face dropped completely. " Hey there stranger" I say smirking.

" H-hey" She says as her cheeks flush red. She paused her music and looked at me. I sat next to her. " The names Eddie, I'll let you know that so you can shout my name while cumming." I throw her a playful wink. " Y/n" She smiles and squeezes her legs together trying not to be noticeable. Jesus fuck she's already horny? I thought to myself smirking. " How about you come over to mine after school. My brother's going to a party and my parents are on vacation." She suggested. " What are we uh, gonna do there princess." I teased her. " Let's get to the point. I don't think Ill be able to survive with out your dick deep inside me." She hissed. I gulped and nodded. I could feel my pants tent at the the thought  of what she's going to do to me.

Clearly she wants me, so Ill let her do whatever the fuck she wants with me really.

                                        ~ Yn's pov ~

HOLY SHIT!!!! I MET HIM!! I CANT FUCKING WAIT, HE CAN LITERALLY RIP MY PUSS- You thought to yourself as he walked away not forgetting to tease you even more.
" Don't forget to be my good girl" He said loudly making you blush and look around to see who's listening. " WHAT THE FUCK FREAK? STOP BOTHERING HER!!" Someone yelled. You knew who that someone was, your brother.
He was now walking over to him. You knew he was gonna cause a big scene so you huffed and got up. " JESUS FUCK!  YOU CANT CONTROL WHO I TALK TO!" You raised your voice and for a moment your uterus cried, you sounded like a mother. " Y/n, just let me handle this, I don't want you talking to hi-" " No, that's it! If you say or do one more controlling thing I'll tell the whole fucking school." You cut him off smirking. " You wouldn't dare" Your brother narrowed his eyes at you while Eddie looked at you funny.

" Try me" You smiled widely. " Fine then I'll tell mum" He said smirking. " About what?" You asked confused. " Last night" He said. You thought for a moment until you remember. Your eyes widen. " Fine then, we both have grass so we keep their between each other, if you spill , I won't hesitate to either" You Said holding your hand out. 
He took it and walked away as his mates were calling his name out. Eddie walked over to you. "Come with me" Be whispered taking your hand. You walked out of the school like you owned the place, no one seemed to care.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now