imagine two

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Authors note: It would really help if you could leave suggestions I'm open to all requests!! Of course long chapter again!! Thank you enjoy your day!!❤

"DUSTIN I NEED YOUR HAIRSPRAY" you yell banging on the boy's door. " Alright jeez" His voice was muffled but you could still hear the fear in his voice. You hear him end his conversation with Suzie before he click open his door. " Here" he says sighing handing you a can. " Thanks dusty" your voice trailing off as you walk to the bathroom. You could hear the boy whining about calling him that name.

You fix your hair up and head towards your room. " Where are they" you mutter to yourself while turning your bedroom upside down looking for your rings. " A HAH" You exclaim holding a bunch of cold silver rings in your hand. You slide them on a walk to the kitchen. You pour yourself some juice and make two bowls of cereal.
"Dusty breakfast" you call out to the boy. " Coming Y/n!" He hollers back to you. He comes rushing out with his backpack slung over his shoulder. You both inhale your breakfast. " Bye mum" you both finish in unison. " Bye my darlings" a muffled voice calls out. You rush out to see Steve and robin waiting for you. You run to the car and sit next to robin. Of course Dustin gets the front seat with Steve. " Hey robin, hey Steve" you say to the pair.

"Hey Y/n!" Robin says smiling. " So anything new?" You question robin. " No not really, you?" She question back.
"Nope" you sigh. " When did we become so boring robin?" You say annoyed at fact nothing has changed in your life.
"We should totally do something" the freckled girl exclaims. " Like what" you say worried. " Like a picnic?" She says softly. " OMG that's such a good idea!" You say getting excited. Steve and Dustin are having there own little chat in the front while you guys set a date for the picnic. " Okay Saturday twelve o'clock!" She says now it was her turn to get excited.

You arrive at school and say your goodbyes to Steve and Dustin. The pair of you walk to class together hand in hand. You have the same classes practically all morning. Thank god. You think to yourself. The only empty seat was next to Jason Carver. You look at it with disgust and slowly but hesitantly sit down. You could barely focus on the lesson was so boring. The bell rang for lunch and the teacher started one of his little " The bell doesn't dismiss you I do" rants. Of course everyone still left. You catch up with robin. She finds a table for you to sit at. You plop your lunch box down and open the lid to reveal a whole bunch of fruit. Fruit was your favourite food and robin loved it too, so you always made sure to bring extra.

You both sat there munching down on some grapes before you got startled by a large bang. You look over to see Eddie 'the freak' Munson standing on a table shouting something. " BUT AS LONG AS YOUR IN BAND, OR SCIENCE, OR PARtiess, OR A GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!!" he yells childishly. This grabs Jason's attention " you want something freak" he tells the boy. Eddie just puts his hands to his head and makes a cute little demon sound. Wait scratch that, I didn't mean cute. " I envy him" robin says quietly snapping you out of a day dream. " Same here" you sigh. You feel something cold hit your face. You look over to see robin laughing and a grape on the table. " How dare you" you laugh and throw the same grape at her. You both continue laughing and throwing grapes at each other. Until you miss the girl and hit someone passing by.

"SORRY" you say to the victim of your grape attack. She looks at you and walks away. You both burst into laughter.

~bell rings~

As you were walking to your class you crash into someone. " Oh shit sorry" you cry out until turn around see who you bumped into. " It's alright baby it was accident" the voice says. " First off I'm not your baby" you grit your teeth at Jason. You were the only ones in the hallway. He looks at you then pushes you into a nearby locker. " C'mon baby" he smirks. " GET OFF" You scream at the blonde bitch boy. He then starts running his hand down your hips till he reaches your ass. He had a tight grip on your arm. " HELP" you squirm around trying to get out of his grip. " HEY" you hear someone yell. " LET HER THE FUCK GO" the voice gets aggressive. Jason turns his head and you take your opportunity. You knee him in the junk making him let go of you. But you weren't done with him. You grab the boy by his ears and bash his face into your knee. Blood starts gushing out of his nose. He stumbles backwards and shouts something rude before running away.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now