Imagine five ( Eddies pov)

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Authors note: Sorry guys I know I asked you but I'm kind of an impatient bitch. If you don't like the idea just skip I don't mind. Requests are always open. Thank for all the reads!! I really appreciate it. Im not in the best mental space right now and I cried happy tears when I saw how many reads I got. VERY, VERY, VERY LONG CHAPTER! Thanks again. ENJOY!  WORD COUNT 6K-9K
(All Eddie's pov) warning: swearing,mild eating disorders, family abuse.

I rolled over slowly as the screech of my alarm went off.
Slowly but surely I rolled out of bed. I stripped my boxers off and made my way to the shower. The water hit my skin and I immediately let out a small sigh. After about seven teen to twenty minutes I jumped out and started to pick some clothes out. I chose my hellfire top and ripped jeans. I put on my Dio jacket too. " Good morning" I was met by my uncle greeting me. "Morning" I grumble as I pour my self some breakfast. I check my watch and start inhaling my breakfast. Not that I actually give a flying fuck about school.

I say goodbye to my uncle after having a chat and head out to my uncle's van. I start it up after I put on my favourite cassette, Blizzard of ozz. I drove off with crazy train blasting. Heads where turning as I arrived at school. I heard a knock on the window. Jason fucking Carver. I rolled down the window and turned down the music a tad so I could hear the shit that was about to fall out his mouth. He had his cheer leading and jocks gang with him like always. " Some of us like having ears" Jason hissed as his goons where laughing in the background.

I was about to speak but I saw something peculiar. Y/n, one of the cheerleaders where lip syncing the words to crazy train.
Jason caught on to what I was looking at. " Y/n, what the fuck!" Jason yelled at the poor girl. She looked up. " What" She had no clue what was going on. " You listen to this shit!" He yelled getting more aggressive. " First off it's not shit, and yes" She glared at the boy. " Thats going to get out this group ya know!!" He yelled yet again. She laughed. Shit is about to go down. " You say that like I actually give a fuck" she laughed even more, clearly amused at the blonde bitch boy. i laughed too. " What the fuck are you laughing at freak!" Jason yelled. " He isn't a freak!" Y/n hissed back earning a glare from the rest of the group. " Yes he is, he's in that satanic cult thing!!" He got more aggressive. She giggled a bit. " It's not a cult. It's club where a few boys get together and play dnd" she smirked.

" What the fuck, how do you know that. Are you fucking the freak!?" Jason walked closer to the girl. " I would much rather fuck him then you. You are a pathetic, ignorant,
selfish, disrespectful little shit." She raised her voice and now Jason was backing up as y/n walked towards him with a stare that could kill. I turned off my car and watched as y/n slapped him across the face so hard half of china could've heard it. " Shit, the fuck y/n! Your out of the group!!" He yelled as he stormed off with his group. I swear I saw tears in his eyes. Y/n just sighed, smiled and giggles a bit. " That there, darling was fucking bad ass."
I climbed out of the car and walked towards the smiling girl. " Why thank you" she giggled and did a curtsey.
She scoffed as she looked down at her cheer leading uniform. " I need new clothes, this, this, is just revolting."
She said huffing.

" You don't like your uniform?" I raised an eyebrow.  I thought that was like every cheerleaders prized possession or some shit. " Nope, really I  think it's designed  to fit men. When were performing our uniform shows half of our tits and our asses." She half smiled.
" Well princess, I have some clothes in my van if you like"
I smile at the girl. " Please lovely" she pleaded. My cheeks started to heat a bit. Lovely?! I open the back of the van and pull out a pair of ripped jeans and a slip knot tee.
" Oh I love slip knot!" She smiles triumphantly. " Same" I say shocked. The bell rang.

" Oh I can't be bothered with morning rush, can I get changed in the back your van?" She asked innocently. " Oh- yeah sure" I stutter and blush at the thought of her. " Thanks Eddie, I appreciate it" She smiles while climbing in the van. " Hang on, Eds can you
make sure no one see's me getting changed?" She asks nervously. Work your charm eddie " Sure sweetheart" I smirk as she blushes and closes the van doors. She is so cute. Am I crushing on a cheerleader? I smile to myself a bit. After a bit she opens the door and does a spin showing off her outfit. Damn. " You look like me!" I squeal.
" Soo.... good?" She smiles and I just blush uncontrollably.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now