Imagine seven

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Authors note: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF THE VOTES AND READS!! I know there isn't very many votes but, hey it's comforting to know you like my story. IMPORTANT!! I'm gonna do this one in first person so there will be things like 'I' and ' Mine' But it will still be y/n and stuff like that. Enjoy!!! ( Jason is kinda nice in the one)

My heart pumps wildly, it was my first day at Hawkin's high and I was currently having a panic attack in my car. It was hard to open the door with my clammy hands, and a cherry on top I was shaking like a dog. Once I had plucked up my courage and taken a puff of my inhaler I opened the door. My knees felt weak and my brain was spinning. " Ah, miss y/n y/l/n" The principal spoke with a grin. " I've assigned someone to show you around." He said spinning around and going back to his office. There behind him was a young- ish boy. " Hey, I'm Dustin lovely to meet you!" The boy said excitedly. " Lovely to meet you too Dustin" I smiled and shook his hand. " You look nervous, don't worry you'll be fine just stick with me." He said sweetly.

" Yeah i am really nervous, I literally had a panic attack in my car this morning." I admitted and we both had a chuckle. " Well, the bells gonna ring any moment so I Mays well start the tour." Dustin said happily, and just like that the bell rang right on time. " Shall we" He held his hand out." Well shall" I took it and he led me around the school.
Me and Dustin both had a free period so we could look around.

~ End of tour ( going into lessons) ~

"Thank you so much Dustin, you made me feel ten times better about this school" I say smiling brightly." No problem y/n. There's just one thing..." He said a little nervously. " Whats that?" I ask. " Umm... Well since your new, you don't have any school friends to sit with, so would you like to sit with my group?" He said rather quickly. " Dustin I would love to, but what if your friends don't like me?" I say worried they won't. " They will, trust me, and if somehow they don't then they will just have to suck it up" He smiled at me . " Thanks again Dustin" I say waving goodbye as I go to my next classroom. Dustin had given me a little hand-drawn map and I found it pretty handy. I was at my lesson in no time. " Morning y/n. Class this is Y/n y/l/n, she will be are newest student of Hawkin's." The teacher said proudly. Stares were burning holes in me.

" Hi y/n" The students said in unison, not to mention very very tiredly. I gave a little wave and turned a little red, I didn't like situations like these. " So y/n, would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself." The teacher said snapping me back to reality, I was stuck in thought as soon as I saw him. The long curly haired boy with a matching shirt to Dustin's. " Well I'm from around here, my favourite colour is blue. I love drawing, I play electric guitar, and my favourite genre of music is rock and metal." You finish with a breath. The long haired boys ears pricked up when I said I play guitar. " Well, y/n you'll get on just fine with Eddie then" The teacher sighed.
Who's Eddie?? I thought to yourself while scoping out any spare seats. My eyes locked onto one and OF COURSE it was next to that curly haired boy.

The teacher carried on talking. "As you probably know, the names Eddie" The long haired boy pipes up next to me. " Oh, no I didn't know, but nice to meet you eddie" I paused for a bit before sticking out my hand. He took with a firm grip. You noticed he was wearing rings. " Love the rings, they complete your look." I say, it just kinda fell out my mouth really. " Thank you princess" He flashed me a toothy smile. I blushed a bit and returned his grin. "But I'd like to ask, why are you wearing matching shirts with Dustin?" I asked pointing his shirt out. " Well- hang on, you know Dustin??" He asked curiously. " Yeah, he was my tour guide, he's a very sweet boy" I smiled at the thought of him. " He is, he's in my hellfire club and all of the members wear matching shirts." He said. " What's hellfire?" I asked intrigued by the name.

" It's my d&d club, a fantasy game we like to play" He smirked. Your eyes widened with excitement. " Oh my god I love dungeons and dragons, I used to be the dungeon master of my club" I say beaming with pride. " You play d&d??" He asked shocked. " Practically invented mate" I say with a hint of cockiness in my voice. He smirked and licked his bottom lip. " I think for one time in my life that teacher is right, we are going to get along." He said smoothly.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now