Imagine 10 ( Part three! )

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I would like to say, people do have the same ideas as other writers, so if my book contains ANYTHING you've seen in other books, please do not come at me! Authors note: Thank you all so much for all the reads and votes! This will be the last part to this imagine. Since you al loved imagine 5, I will doing another Eddie's pov, after all of the shit that I promised I would write!! Straight in with eddies pov. There may be some smut? Just making this up as I go along..... Enjoy....... LONG CHAPTER!

I have to admit, I was pretty fucking nervous about Saturday, I really didn't want her to be mad if I did something wrong on Saturday. But, it's friday! So I don't have to worry about that till' tomorrow. I decided to skip school and go to family video for advice. I walked out of school, not caring. On the drive there all I could think about was... Y/n. She loved me. And that bitch ruined our relationship, honestly I wish y/n had fucked her up more, I know she wanted to. That look in her eye was pure anger . It was pretty hot the way she did that. Eddie?! Think like a normal human being. I miss her so much, the way her skin glowed. The way her eyes would light up when she saw me. I miss the way she moan my name. I miss the way her locks of hair would bounce up and down as she rode my cock. I miss the way her eyes would roll back and her fingernails would dig into my back.

Fuck sakes Eddie?! Pull yourself together. Stop thinking about her perfect body, wrapped around your waist while she was screaming your name. Fuck! I need her right now. So fucking bad..... I stumbled out of my car along into the store. " Hey welcome to- oh. What the fuck do you want?" Y/n's best friend robin said. " Okay, okay. I promise you. I didn't cheat on her. That fucking bitch ran up to me and ruined mine and y/n's relationship. I'll explain everything if you'll let me. I love y/n so, so, so much. I would never intentionally hurt her." I said and robin's eyes softened a little. " I know you loved her. I know she loved you. She was crazy about you, and I wouldn't be a good friend if didn't listen. BUT don't expect me to be nice to you after. I still need some time to be mad at you." She said pointing her finger at me. " Thank you Robin! I appreciate it so much."

~ Time skip ( Saturday) ~

I had the talk with robin and she semi forgave me. She gave me her permission to go out and get y/n something. I already knew what I was gonna get her. I went to the grocery store and bought a TON of her favourite snacks and drinks. I then rolled a couple of joints for her. Then I went to the music store to buy a pink pick. I ended up at home, with tons of bags. I was currently punching a whole in the pick I bought her, she loved my necklace so I thought why not make her a matching one to give if we sort things out! I really hope we do sort things out between us, I miss her so fucking much. I'll understand if she doesn't want to though, I'll be disappointed but I'll understand. 2:46 the clock said. Okay, like 2 hours and 14 minutes I think, I really don't know.

~ Y/n's pov ~

" Mum. I have something I need to tell you." You said nervously. " Okay sweetie, is everything alright?" Your mum asked concerned. " Yeah well, I don't know." You said joining her at the dining table. " So, I was talking to Eddie, and he begged me to give him a chance. I said yes. But don't jump to any conclusions. You and I know Eddie wouldn't so that to me, he loved me and you. He is coming over here at 4:00. I'm going to have a talk to him, see if we can sort things out. I live him so much, mum, I need him in my life and I know he does too. So I'm telling you this do you don't jump the gun and think we are dating again." You say adding a stern tone to your last sentence. " Okay, okay. As much as I want to kick him in the nuts for hurting my baby girl, I know you love him. And I believe there could be a chance he didn't cheat on you, I'll be at work when he comes over. So please don't do anything stupid sweetheart." Your mum pleaded. " Oh thank you mum!!! I promise I won't let anything bad happen. " You say smiling for the first time in days.

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