Imagine Three

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Authors note: Hii my Lovies. Thanks for the reads I really appreciate it!! Long chapter again! No smut this time. You and Eddie are the same age in all of my imagines or maybe a slight age gap like the second one. Enjoy!!!

You let out a frustrated sigh as you look at your clock.
4:00am it read. You flip your pillow to the cold side and roll over. Eventually after minutes of tossing and turning you slowly drift off to sleep. "Y/N" Steve yelled while banging on your door. " Ugghhh" you let out a exaggerated grunt sigh. You flop out of bed and land on your side with a thud. Smooth. You rummage around your closet before deciding on. ( Picture below)

You slip on some doc martens before running down stairs

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You slip on some doc martens before running down stairs. " C'mon y/n" Steve whines at you. " Coming" you shout back as you rush to his car. You quickly buckle your belt up and head to Robin's house. " Finally" robin sighs a bit before smiling at you. " Hi Robin!!" You say to the girl.
"Hey Y/n!!" She says buckling her belt. You make small talk about Robin's band crush and Steve's endless parade of girlfriends and fuck buddies.

You arrive at Hawkin's high. " Bye you two" you say as you climb out the car and make your way to the doors.

~ lessons start~
You open a class door to reveal beady eyes staring at you. You make your way to the back of the classroom and stare at the only empty seat. Right next to him. Eddie fucking munson. Your thoughts scream in your head as you sit down beside the boy. For as long as you can remember you've hated him and he's hated you. You try to focus on the lesson but feel someone staring at you. You look over to see Eddie staring at you with lustful eyes. " What" you whisper to the boy while looking over to see if the teacher heard you. " What" he whispers back. " You were staring at me" you whisper shout to him. " I just didn't know you liked those kind of bands." He said looking at your shirt. You look down to see slip knot plastered on your shirt. " One of my favourite bands" you let a small smile show.
"Huh" Is all he can manage.

~ Eddie pov~

I stopped doodling to see y/n sitting next to me. She looks just as displeased as me. I notice she's wearing a slip knot tee. She's into those bands? My thoughts were everywhere. Until she said something " what" she whispered to me.
"What" I said back having no clue what's going on. " You were staring at me" she whispered back. OMG you were staring you perv. I thought to myself. " I just didn't know you were into those bands" I said awkwardly. " One of my favourite bands" she smiled at me. That's kinda hot no lie. I pushed that thought out of my head. " Huh" I said.

~ bell rings for lunch~

~ Eddie's pov ~

As I sat down at my table I couldn't help but steal a glance at y/n. Dustin starts talking about postponing the campaign. Everybody started yelling. " Stop" I shouted making the boys jump a little. I started a little lecture and told them to find a sub. Good job eddie you scared them. I thought to my self.

Eddie Munson imagines ( ˘ ³˘)♥Where stories live. Discover now