Day 5 - Your Dream

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  • Dedicated to my dream, for me

Day 5 – Your Dreams

Dear dream,

You always seem to push people to go on, to give them inspiration, to give them a life meaning. Always easier said than done.

My dream isn’t to be a singer. It isn’t to be a doctor. And it is definitely not to be the prime minister of Australia.

My dream is to simple be happy. To grow up and have a happy family, to be around the people I love.

Is that a waste of a dream? If I asked a genie for a wish and that is what I asked for would it be a stupid choice? Is it so wrong to want something as simple as happiness?

Some may think that dreams like mine would be a stupid decision, money usually their dream. But what those people don’t know is that the wish for happiness is one of the hardest to gain, to achieve.

While they are counting pieces of plastic I am smiling through life and in 50 years time I’ll laugh in their face for picking at my dream.

Of course there is always the want to be a primary school teacher and an author though they are just wants, wishes.

I’m confident of my dream, and I’ll be smiling when it comes true.

Thank you for giving me something to look forward to.


Mary. K (: x

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