Day 8 - Your Favourite Internet Friend

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Day 8 – Your Favourite Internet Friend

Dear Claudia/ sometimes known as Klaudia XD,

I knew the second I saw this letter topic that it was going to be about you.

We go back. All the way back to Quizilla, when I first thought your name zed123 was a guys name. I loved your story, and I commented and things just took off from there.

We used to message a lot to each other though it was hard since you live all the way over there in England where the time zone is like twelve hours apart.

Though we kept messaging, it was actually something I looked forward to everyday.

Then we found Wattpad and with the chatting systems we were able to talk to each other rather then message.

None of my close friends wrote, so I felt really lonely since I had no one to talk to about my writing. Though when I talked to you it’s like you totally understood what I was talking about. My friends at school would look at me weirdly if I told them I wrote.

Our conversations are always fun, always carefree and always crazy. You are definitely my favourite online friend to talk to and I say that proudly, my wattpad sister :D.

It was quite funny when I would ask if you guys had, for instance, tic tacs over there in England. Goes to show how little I know about other countries. It just felt like a new experience to talk to someone in another country, felt like I was actually there.

I’ve gotten to know you so much over how long has it been? 8, 9 months?

To me, it feels like you actually are a sister, and I thank you for that. For encouraging and supporting me through my writing and just for me. I know I can always count on you, and I know that you trust me enough to share things with me and that makes me happy.

I could write on forever about our friendship though I don’t want to end this letter because I hope we’ll be friends for a long time yet.

So till that time comes, I just want to say thank you for being my apple eating sister. :)


Mary. K (: x

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