Day 10 - Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to

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  • Dedicated to to God

Day 10 – Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to

Dear God,

This topic was really difficult though after a lot of thought I figured out who I would like to spend more time with.

I know people reading this would be like why would you want to talk to God?

Well my question to you is, why wouldn’t you want to talk more to God?

I’m not a Catholic, I’m Orthodox which is the same thing as Catholic though in Greek but I was practically raised up in the Catholic Church.

In primary we had a church in our school so we went to church a lot. Call me a nun but I loved it in a sense because I felt like I was connecting with God.

Though when I left to High school we didn’t have Mass as often, and everyone didn’t give a damn about praying. They just wanted to get it over and done with though that was the worst thing. In primary we would sit up straight with our joined hands straight and actually pray.

But as we grow older, we lose the faith. I hate it.

And as much as I hate myself for it, I’ve become further apart from God because my life is too busy to ever make time for him, and in my family we don’t got to church every Sunday, only on the special occasions.

I wish I was back in primary, where I would pray to you at least three times a day, it gave me comfort and it made me feel at ease.

I hope you can forgive me for not talking to you more often though I know that you will always be waiting,


Mary. K (: x

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